Ch.17 L Bomb

391 19 39

Brads POV

*bang* *bang*

I was woken up from my sleep by two loud gun shot sounds. I slowly got out the bed and crept to the door. My heart was racing so fast at the thought of seeing Tristan dead.

I got to the top of the stairs and looked down to find a frightening sight.

A man. On the floor. Dead. And Tristan with a gun in his hand. Totally not how I played the situation in my head.

How come this isn't the first thing you thought of? He fucking killed your best friend. Maybe he'll kill you next.

What the fuck? Where is this voice coming from?

I'm your conscious dummy. And you need to leave.

"Brad?" A voice broke me out of my argument with myself.

"How long have you been standing there?" He asked all of sudden standing on the steps.

"I-I, well, um. Long enough to s-see a dead-d man." I was so nervous.

"Don't be scared around me baby. But for your safety, I think we should break up and stop seeing each other. For good." He said now face to face with me.

"N-no. I can't leave you." I said as tears started to form at my eyes.

"You have to. Before something bad happens to you. And I would never be able to live with myself if something bad did happen to you." he said while caressing my face.


"We'll talk in a bit. I have to go get rid of this body." He said kissing me on the cheek before heading back downstairs.

Get rid of the body?! Do you hear this guy? Leave! Now!

I can't!

Yes you can. He could snap at any minute and snap your neck.

I made my way back to the bedroom to lay down. This is too much. My head is pounding with all the thoughts swirling around.

Leave him. One voice said.

Stay with him. Another said.

Call the police. And another.

Have sex. And another.

Kill him. And another.

Break his puny little heart. And another.

"FUCK!" I yelled out in frustration.

How did I get into this mess in the first place?

It doesn't matter. In the end, I couldn't leave him if I wanted to. I'm all his. I belong to him.

I laid on the bed with my eyes closed. Not asleep. Just trying to find some peace. I'm not sure how long I sat there thinking, but I heard the door open.

I slowly opened my eyes at sat up. I looked over at him and he just stood there.

"As I was saying before, I don't know if we should stay together. You're the only person I care about and I can't have anything happen to you. I don't want my monstrosity of a life to take away yours." He said avoiding eye contact.

"But I'm in love with you. I love you." And there it was. I finally said it.

"No you don't." He growled out.

"Yes, I do." I pleaded as I walked over to him.

"I don't understand why you can't just stay the hell away from me!" He yelled at me.

"Do you really want that Tris? Because just say the words, and I'll leave. For good."

He pushed me up against the wall and came close to my ear.

"I wish I could tell you to leave, but you know I can't stay away from you. God, what is it about you? Hmm? Why can't I leave?"

"I really don't know, I'm not anything special." I said looking down.

He grabbed my face and forced me to look into his beautiful blue eyes. "I don't ever want that to come out of your mouth again. I think that Bradley Simpson is the most perfect person in the world. You're too good for me. And there is absolutely nothing I would change about you. Fuck it. I love you so damn much."

He finished and pulled me in for one of his kisses that I cannot get enough of.

Short chappy. But they finally said it. I wonder if anyone knows where the end part is from. Hint, I posted it super early in this book. Also, I wonder if everything will go up from here or not... Anyyyyways. Vote and comment please. Peace and love out :)

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