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I can't believe I'm doing this. I am horribly ending this book so I can just be done. Hope this chapter isn't as bad as the previous. Because I just read it and it was awful. But anyways, enjoy and I love each and every person who has taken their time to read what I write.

I recommend listening to Coming Home above or Like This by Shawn Mendes from his new album Illuminate which is out now on Itunes, Google Play,Spotify, and probably YouTube (My promo game strong xD)

Brads POV

I awake to the sound of my alarm clock.

Another day. Today should be, interesting.

I get up from my all too comfy bed and head to the bathroom to get ready for the day. After I finish taking care of my business, I head downstairs to the kitchen. I know my mom is still asleep so I just yell to her that I'm leaving. I grab an apple and my keys and head to go visit him. Like I do everyday.

The drive there is very long and very boring. But I'd bare the trip for him.

When I finally arrive, I park in my usual spot and start heading inside. I say hello to the usual guards and staff. They've come to know me since I've been here everyday for the past month. I don't regret the decision I made a month ago. Of course I'm hurting, but I know he's getting the help that he needs.

I get to his room and his doctor and guard are standing outside waiting for me.

"Is today good or bad?"

"Bad day today Bradley."

"Ah, okay. Well, I'm going in." I said awaiting for them to unlock the door. Once it's unlocked, I walk inside and close the door behind me.

I sit at the opposite side of the table and he's sitting across from, in his straitjacket. His icy blue eyes with dark black rings underneath stare up at me with such a hateful look. I hate his bad days.

"Ugh, why are you here?" He asked irritated.

"Because I want to see you, love."

"Shut the fuck up. I don't want to listen to this bull shit."

"It's not bull shit. I love you. I'll always love you." I said as i could feel tears swelling up. These are always the hardest days.

"No you don't! Because if you did, I wouldn't be here! You never loved me, you fucking liar!" He yelled already angry with me. Of course.

"Don't say that Tristan." I said looking down.

"I fucking hate you! Get out, I'm done talking." He said as he turned himself away from me. Well that lasted about less than 5 minutes.

I silently got up and walked out. When I walked out his doctor was there waiting for me. I quickly wiped any tears that had escaped.

"God, I don't see how this is helping anyone. This is killing me."

"I understand Bradley, but you don't know how much you're helping him. Believe it or not, the visits help."

I just nodded my head and left. My poor baby is suffering with dealing with his crazy emotions. I just wish I knew what was going on in his head and that I could understand.

instead of going straight home today, I decided to make a detour to the cemetery to visit an old friend. Once I got there I parked and made the familiar walk to the specific grave.

I looked at the headstone and could already feel the tears. I let out a deep sigh.

"Hey Connor. Um, I miss you bud. Everyday I wish you were here. No amount of apologizes will bee enough to express how sorry I am. You d-din't deserve-" I was cut off by a sob. The pain was becoming more and more unbearable everyday that passed. I dropped to my knees.

"I'm so fucking s-sorry. I r-really am." After crying for a good 10 minutes, I got up and made my way back to my car and headed home. Tomorrow's another a day.

The next morning I did my usual routine and got in my car to visit Tris again.

When I got there, I greeted the guard and his doctor. The doctor greeted me with a warm smile today.

"Today is a better day." He told me which caused me to smile.

I was let in and I saw him.

"Hey." I said sitting opposite.

"Oh my god, I miss you damn much baby." He exclaimed.

"I miss you too. Everyday."

"Not more than me,that's for damn sure. Please take me out of here." He pleaded.

"I can't Tris. You need to get better baby."

"I will. I-If you get me out of here, I promise to be better. I swear on my life. J-Just p-please get me out of here so I can be with you a-and hold you." He said choking up. Even though this was a better day, it was also a sad day.

"I would love that baby boy. But you have to stay here." I said letting a tear fall.

"I'm so sorry. For yesterday, for Connor for everything! God I hate myself for everything I've put you through. I just want to kill myself for how horrible of a person I am." He was full on bawling now and talking about hurting himself. This isn't new.

I clicked the small button under the table that alerted the doctors to for help. Two doctors busted in a couple of seconds later and saw him yelling and crying. One doctor stuck a needle in his neck that put him to sleep in a few seconds.

"He's so broken." I whispered to myself. Both doctors gave me sympathetic looks and carried Tris out of the room.

I eventually got up and made my way out of the building. I went straight home and laid in my bed. And I sat there staring up at the ceiling wondering how all this shit happened, like I have every night for the past month. Some nights I wish I never met the devilishly handsome blonde boy who changed my life forever, and other nights, I except it and realize I let him in my life and there is nothing I can do about it.

So everyday I visit him, talk to him, console him, anything. I do everything i can to make him feel better. Because he's mine and I'm his. Simple as that.


So that's it guys. I am so sorry that I haven't posted this back when I said I would. I've just been really busy. It honestly felt really good to just sit here and write . I'm not giving up on writing, just writing on wattpad. I hope i'm letting down or disappointing anyone. Not that this book was any good anyways really. Give my last and final chapter/book some likes and comments if you want. I'll still be here on wattpad for if anyone wants to talk and plus I still read on here xD.

Other than that, peace and love out everyone xx.

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