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⚠⚠Super long yet important authors note at the end. Please read! ⚠⚠

Tristans POV

I watched as my angel slept beside me. He was honestly too perfect. He looked like he was stressing as he was asleep. And it's all my fault. I know I have a problem, but he's the only person who can put up with me.

God I love him so much. So much that it fucking hurts. I told him that I wanted to get out of town for myself and lay low, which I did, but this trip was all for him. To show him how much I love and appreciate him for sticking by me. After all the fucked up shit I did.

I've been driving for a couple hours to get to our destination. I definitely didn't want to go to a major city, but I went to a place that I heard was really nice. I knew my baby would admire the view.

Since it would be a two day drive, considering I don't want Brad to drive and it's about a 14 hour drive, we stopped at a hotel. Not a busted down motel. A very nice hotel. Can't have my angel staying somewhere gross and disgusting, even if it's just for a night.

"Brad, babe. Wake up."(YOUR SLEEEEEEPING HEAAAAART!) I said while shaking him a little bit.

"Are we here? Wherever 'here' is anyways." He asked in a sleepy voice.

I laughed a bit at his little attitude.

"No, we're not. We're just stopping for the night. I need some shut eye and you're not driving."

"Why not? I'm perfectly capable of driving a car without it crashing into something." He pouted crossing his arms over his chest.

"I believe you are. I just like driving. Don't fight with me please. Just, let's rest in a nice bed."

Brad simply agreed, I'm guessing he's still a bit too sleepy to argue.

Once we checked in and made it to our room, we immediately crashed on the bed. Making sure I cuddled up with him first, of course.

The next morning we showered, separately sadly, and got ready to hit the road. I wanted to get as many hours in as possible so I just picked us up some breakfast on the way out. I filled up the tank and we were on our way.

About 7 hours later.

We had finally reached our destination and I was so happy. This place was absolutely beautiful and very peaceful. Madison, Wisconsin. (I've never been, but I looked up nice places to visit in the US and I didn't want a cliche place like Florida or California. No offense to those places, just wanted something different. On with the chapter xD)

Once we got to the small, sort of secluded house I rented for us, I woke Brad up.

"Get up baby. We're here!" I whisper yelled.

He got up a lot quicker and looked out the window. His eyes widened a bit.

"This is beautiful. Where are we?" He asked in astonishment.

"Madison, Wisconsin."

"Really?" He asked a bit shocked.

"Mhm. Now let's go inside so we can unpack and relax."

"Wait. This little house is ours?"

"Yep. I rented it for us. You like?" I asked, my eyes glued on his face, waiting for an answer.

"I love. It's so cute." He said his face lighting up.

"I'm glad you like it

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"I'm glad you like it. Lets go."

We got out the car, got in the house and started unpacking some things. After maybe an hour or so, we had finished.

I was drained from the drive so I told Brad I'd go nap real quick and that he could watch tv or go swimming. Entertain himself.

2 hours later.

I was waking up to what felt like grinding on me? I opened my eyes and saw Brad was straddling me and slowly grinding on me making me hard.

"What a way to wake up." I said as a smirk came on my face.

"Well I'm so bored and I want to have some fun with you, daddy." He said whispering the last part in my ear.

Lust came over me so quick and I felt my dick throb.

"Alright, then. Lets play baby." I said rolling us over.

END OF THE CHAPTER! I actually left y'all on a cliffhanger xD. Sorry this chapter is late, short and kinda rushed. I left out details on the road trip, sorry. Comment though if you want a bonus chapter on just them being goofy and cute. Next chapter or chapters will be smut! Please vote and comment. Peace and love out!

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