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This is what I imagine Tristan to look like in this story.

Brads POV

"And this would be your last period; drum class." I said showing him the classroom. "I wasn't expecting this to practically take all day. We have about an hour left of school, so what do you what to do?"

"I have no clue. I just moved here. What's a good spot?"

"Well, it's New York City. Every spot is a good spot. How about I grab my friends, and we see what they want to do, sound Good?" I asked as we made our way to the front of the school.

"I have nothing else better to do, so why not." He said giving me a fake smile.

"Oh lighten up; it'll be fun." I said patting his back.

"It better be pretty boy." He smirked at me. Pretty boy aye?

"Well my friends should be here-"

"Bradley!" I heard Lauren yell from a distance.

"Laur!" I yelled back. I grabbed Tristan's wrist and dragged him to my friends. "Guys, this is Tristan. He's new here and he's going to hang with us today, if it's okay with you guys."

"Yeah, that's cool." Jenn said looking back at Con and James and they just nodded.

"Alright, so what are the plans for today?" I asked as we all started walking to Lauren's red 2015 Lincoln MKT.

"Well we were thinking of going to the movies to see mockingjay part 2. Then go for a bite to eat afterwards." James said.

"Sounds good." I said looking over at Tristan and he just nodded at me.

We got in the car and I decided to sit in the very back with Tristan, Connor and James sat in the middle while Lauren drove and Jenn was riding passenger.

"So what do you think of them?" I whispered to Tris. Not that they could really hear, they were practically blasting music.

"They're alright. Way cooler than you." He said giving me a small smirk.

I nudged him and he gave me an innocent. He is definitely not innocent.

"Don't give me that look, I am in fact, the coolest person you will ever encounter in your lifetime."

"Yeah, sure. I just hope you don't ruin my image." He said puffing out his collar to his jacket.

"Of course I won't. Your bad boy image will stay intact with me hanging out with you."

"Oh please, I've only known you for a few hours and I can tell that you are anything but bad." He said with another smirk on his face.

"Oh I can be very bad." I said slightly regretting it coming out of my mouth.

"I don't believe you." He whispered in my ear and put his hand on my thigh. Oh dear god.

"I-I uh-"

"Okay guys, we're here!" Liz yelled as the car came to a stop.

I looked out the window and noticed that the car was parked. I took Tristan's hand and slowly removed it from my thigh. Connor and James had gotten out of the car so I moved the seat up so we could get out.

"We-e should get going." I stuttered as I started to get out. He pulled me back to my seat and came really close to my face and whispered

"We'll finish this in the theater."

I'm kind of excited.

Third chapter and things are getting heated! A little smut in the next chapter? Vote and comment please! Peace and love out!

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