1. Natsuki

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As always, italics represent the persons thoughts. ALSO 'Genki' was Tsuzuku's stage name when he was in VanessA... thats all you need to know for now...
This story starts off when VanessA was active, and you will see the formation of MEJIBRAY throughout it. Please enjoy!

Genki P.O.V

"What about this one?" Haruki stopped walking in the park to fish around in his pockets. I stopped too, and stood next to him, watching how he fussed over multiple zipped pockets that covered his trousers. They looked kinda hideous in my opinion.

"Here!" He finally pulled out a glossy little piece of card and presented it to me, taking care over the creased object even though it meant nothing to me. Instantly, I became confused,

"...A cheki?"

Haruki nodded at me, beaming with delight. This Haruki was my old friend, and also one of the two guitarists of our band VanessA. (The other guitarist being Toki, of course.) I had known him for a few years and enjoyed his company more than anyone's. Sure, we weren't best friends, but he was nice to have around.

"Yeah... You sound surprised?"

"Haruki-san. I ask you to recommend some bassists that could replace our former bassist, Nao, and you've done well so far, bringing me lot of information. But now you bring me this... a badly folded cheki that has been carelessly stuffed in your pocket for god knows how long."

The guitarist shifted awkwardly while I looked down at the tiny card. Upon the card was a silver haired man, upon his lip was a labret piercing, and a barely visible eyebrow piercing stuck out from behind his silky hair. The man's eyes were dark blue, obviously coloured by contact lenses, and he wore a substantial amount of makeup for a kid that looked like he was 14. His face was thin, and he had a perfecly symmetrical nose, which I personally found cute. His eyebrows were neatly shaped, his lips plump, but not too full, and he obviously—

"GENKI!!" I snapped back to reality as Haruki called me, obviously becoming impatient while I stared somewhat longingly at the mystery bassist. Curiosity took over my mind. For once, I was actually interested in someone.

"...Who is he?" I asked, and Haruki smiled deviously, which only made me confused.

"Natsuki." Cute. "He's the ex-bassist of MiMiQ, and they only broke up recently. I heard he plays well, even though he's young, barely 20. He started playing bass at 17, so I guess he hasn't had so much practice, but honestly I think he can make it in our band. His dad plays bass too so I guess he's been well taught. He seems cheerful, although I haven't personally met him yet, but I have some contact details!"

I admired the boy on the card given to me, repeating his name a few times in my head. Maybe I would meet him. After all he was kinda hot. I wouldn't mind making a small guy like him my uke...

"I know what you're thinking... It's that smile."

"Shut up Haruki – you make me sound desperate!"

I blushed, looking away as the man let out a roar of laughter.

- - - - -

A few days passed before I decided to call up the mystery bassist. Why I was bothering when I had little information – who knows? Perhaps there was something about the boy that intrigued me... he was unique. From that one picture I could sense something different about him.

But finally, I rang him. Well, I didn't, Haruki did. But he put the phone on loud speaker.

"He-He-Hello..?" A timid voice answered the phone, it sounded young yet somewhat deep and manly.

Haruki spoke up, (he demanded I left the majority of the talking to him), "is that Natsuki-san?'

The boy replied, "Yes, who is this?" Now I could see he had some sort of confidence in his voice.

"This is Haruki, the guitarist from the visual kei band 'VanessA', and I'm with the vocalist, Genki."

To my surprise, he did not sound so shocked, nor did he pause to think of what to say, and his simple reply was,

"Oh, I see..." as if he were trying to show off his tiny amount of confidence.

'Cocky brat' I whispered under my breath, earning myself another slap on my arm from Haruki.

"I've heard a great deal about you, and I've seen you in your previous bands, MIND FLARE and MiMiQ, and you have talent."

His responses were kept short, "Uhh... thanks."

Haruki was getting nowhere with this. I could see he needed me to take control.

"Listen up, kid," I spoke, turning his attention swiftly to my voice, "We're searching for a bassist, since Nao left the band, and we want to interview you."

A pause.


I became impatient, "Look, yes or no? Or have you already given up on joining bands?"

Haruki slapped my arm yet again and mouthed, 'BE NICE!'

"Uhh yeah... Sure okay."

And so we arranged to meet just the next day, which made me excited as I was curious about what he'd be like. I could only imagine this cute little kid who tried his best to appear confident and mature, struggling to make it in his bands. It probably wouldn't work but it was worth a shot. Perhaps the cutie could become my boyfriend if the band thing didn't work out.

I met Haruki that next morning, deciding that we should arrive early so that we don't look pathetic. But when we got there, Natsuki was already waiting for us. And when I saw him...

A soft "Oh..." of surprise escaped my lips.


SO chapter one... its a bit short but I'm hoping the story will make good progress and keep everyone entertained. Tzk mustve been very shocked when he saw what Ko--Natsuki looked like in person 0.0 I'll update as soon as I can (maybe again today because I have no plans for once) Please give a VOTE and leave a COMMENT and tell your friends about this story! Sorry if you're getting confused by me using old VanessA stage names :s

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