6. GenNa

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Natsuki P.O.V

We spent the day getting to know each other more, attempting to play random visual kei songs that we could find tabs for on the internet, and commenting on every mistake I made. I was starting to doubt my continuation in this band as I played multiple solos wrong on each song but I tried to disguise my frustration under laughter. I jokingly blamed the alcohol that we had been sipping throughout the day, and awkwardly laughed off my anger.

However, when evening sunlight began to fill the vast sky, I was handed a plastic wallet fully of neatly stapled paper booklets by Toki, as he beamed at me.

"What's this?" I asked as I slowly flipped open the popper that held the mysterious sheets inside. As the wallet flinged open, the band seemed to stop their chatter and look intently at me, all of them with the same smile of pride on their faces.

"Bass tabs!" Toki finally cheered. REALLY?! I pulled out the wad of paper before my eyes dramatically widened and I gasped. On the very first page of the very first booklet, 7 letters were printed in crisp black ink: VanessA. For once, I didn't care about the idiotic smile that spanned my cheeks. I clutched the booklet between my fingers, so proud of myself over the fact that the band approved of me. They had accepted me into VanessA.

You-san walked over to where I was stood ad placed a hand on my shoulder. Oddly, he was only a bit smaller than me. And for the second time today, he sounded quieter and sincere, "Kid, you're pretty good at this, and we think that with just a little more practice, you'll be perfect for this band. Learn these and come back to rehearsals so we can get started as soon as possible, yeah?"

I nodded enthusiastically giggling, "Of course!" while a blush crept onto my cheeks.

The band cheered and I turned to look at Genki, who only stared back, smiling and looking somewhat handsome in his leather jacket and jeans.

After a round of drinks to celebrate (Toki had some stored in his garage's mini fridge), we decided to pack up and head home. I hauled the bass guitar I had brought with me onto my back and sighed, shifting it slightly to get used to the sudden weight, before straightening up.

"Natsuki-kun, thank you very much – I can't wait to see you soon!"

I chuckled, embarrassed by the adoration he displayed, and bowed towards the entire band, "Thank you so much for accepting me! I promise I'll work hard! You won't regret your choice!"

I felt as if I could fall into bed at any moment due to exhaustion – I had been behaving all day around Genki and I was finally able to escape him.

As I left, I turned to wave goodbye, before starting my journey to the nearest station to get home. But within about 20 seconds, I was interrupted by a dramatic call:


Really? Genki had casually jogged up behind me, before stopping beside me and smirking.

"You know what you did to my chest last night?! How long will it take for those scratches to heal?!"

I laughed, amused by his fake anger, before retaliating with, "Well look at my nails! They're ruined – and I only got them done last week!"

But then an eyebrow was raised at me, along with a smirk. The mans expression turned more serious for a second, before he reached down into his pockets and felt around in them, before grinning as he looked back up at me,

"How about I take you to get a manicure then?"

"Eh?! Genki don't be stupid – it's gone 10pm and I need to get home!" I was shocked at the man's proposal, and was starting to get annoyed by how much he tried to get me even if we barely knew each other. I was certain I was NOT going to fall for him however, no matter what he did.

I looked down at my pink nails, sighing into the cool night. I really did want a manicure. And I could get a free one tonight if I just say yes. I mean, maybe he's just being super friendly.

Genki P.O.V

So I took him to get a manicure.. I could already hear Haruki's voice echoing, 'You're not even friends with benefits yet you immediately obsess over him?!' I wasn't planning on making him my fuck buddy, I wasn't planning on being anything more than friends with the pink haired weirdo, but it was obvious there was some sort of urge rising within me. Haruki knew, but I was never going to admit to anyone the sad fact: I had feelings for someone I had just met. But how do I make myself not come across as creepy? I mean, I literally couldn't keep eye contact with him the second we met.


"Hm?" I jumped slightly as I looked up at the pinkette, who had caught me staring at him, and I started to feel ashamed over my ridiculous feelings towards him. He really did make my heart beat so terribly quickly, and I was sure he knew that as he smiled softly at me. A small glasses wearing woman was fussing over his nails with a mix of pinks and purples and top coats and base coats.

The man opened his mouth to speak again, and I made sure I concentrated on his voice instead of daydreaming about the way his perfect pierced lips moved as he spoke, "I need a stage name."

I was tempted to just blurt out something like 'beautiful', or 'perfect' or 'Very, very pink', but instead I let the male sit and think for a while. However, that resulted in nothing. Bored of waiting for his nails to dry, my mind began to wander... to the night before. Oh I was so tempted to do it all over again that same evening, even though I was trying to control myself to look good in front of him. What would Ryoga think? Ryoga I had only met a few months ago, and his band was definitely more popular than mine, but Ryoga was also a fuck buddy. He was a fuck-very-daily buddy. And then when the interviewers asked about our new friendship, we claimed we were drinking buddies. But when you're pissed you do stupid things. Like fucking Ryoga. Also me and Toki had spent a few night together under the sheets every so often, his tight little ass was too perfect to resist. Oh and You had fucked me many times before – he was a definite top, and I didn't mind that because I rarely got to be submissive, even though it was what I enjoyed most. And then there's Haruki...

"Ne, Natsuki?"

"Yeah?" The man didn't take his eyes off of his now manicured nails as I spoke.

"How many fuck buddies do you have?" I could swear the nail artist was giggling at us.

"One," He replied sharply, still staring at his nails.

Jealousy rose. I didn't want anyone else to lay a finger on the bassist, yet I let many people touch me.

"One love?" I asked out of curiosity. Was he in an unfaithful relationship where they just had sex, and then he slept with randomers every now and then to spice up his life?

"Hmm..." He paused, then his brown orbs met mine, "Perhaps," He smiled, "How about you?"

What would he think if I told him the truth? Uhh... what sounds normal? Three? None? "Oh..." What should I say? "None... really..." I began to sweat awkwardly, wishing I had never spoken about the topic.

Natsuki P.O.V

"Hm... Well you don't sound sure!" I laughed wildly as the man brought his hands to his lap and fiddled with the frayed ends of the shirt he wore under his jacket.

We stayed silent for a minute or so, Genki obviously feeling bad about how many men he had sunk his cock into recently. But it didn't bother me. It was normal in the modern world, I had guessed.

We continued to sit in silence until...

"Koichi." It snapped into my head again.

"Hm? Why are you saying that?" Genki replied, seeming somewhat glum.

"Koi-ichi! My stage name! Spelt with the kanji for 'love' and 'one'! Koichi!"


IM BAAACK! I miss MiA and Meto so I feel like im gonna end VanessA in the next chapter, so I can start to bring in MEJIBRAY because I truly only love writing about them. I hope you didn't get annoyed with my break, even thougj I updated JUMP the other day :3 please Vote Comment and Follow and ill try to update soon! EmS out -

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