2. Genki

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Genki P.O.V

"H-hi... I'm Genki," I stuttered as I approached the man. Haruki began to giggle at my sudden shyness, so I sent a terrifying glare his way to shut him up. And he did.

The man that stood before me was certainly not the same one that Haruki had shown me. Well, that's what I originally thought, until he spoke, holding out his hand to shake both mine and Haruki's, "I'm Natsuki, it's nice to meet you,"

That confident but cute voice.

I was definitely not expecting this. The bassist was a tall, tall, tall man, with bright pink and black dyed hair, not silver. He had wild painted nails, and he was... well... avant-garde. The multiple earrings and rings gleamed, even in the dull sunlight, and I could blatantly see that he was still very tanned from his summer vacation, whatever it was.

"It's nice to meet you too!" Haruki replied, grinning as he shook Natsuki-kun's hand.

"Yeah it's nice to meet you!" I smiled, now feeling somewhat inferior due to the boy being exceptionally taller than me.

I looked down his body. He wore loose dark jeans that were ripped all over, giving him an 'edgy' look, and upon his feet were some black pumps which sparked slightly when he moved his large feet. He was definitely younger than me, you could see it in his face, still a teen.

And then I looked back up, this time not getting distracted by his bright hair... or the fact that my neck was beginning to ache from his height. His brown eyes were plain, but yet they still seemed to hold an intense beauty in them. His porcelain skin was just so perfect... and his hair – it seemed so well cared for. I couldn't deny that he was hot.

"What is it?" Natsuki suddenly asked, and I flinched, shock and embarrassment coursing through me, and once again I had to force myself back into reality. He wasn't mine. Not yet, anyway.

Look, be casual Genki, you've got this.

"No!" I yelled in protest, (and severe bashfulness). What the fuck am I doing? How is that casual?! He tilted his head at me now, confused. I could feel my cheeks heating up, "I- uhh- sorry I was daydreaming, and happened to stare at you."

Haruki turned to look at me, and his expression clearly read, 'what the fuck are you doing? Don't ruin this.'

I chuckled awkwardly, beginning to regret ever meeting him.

"Look, let's go get a drink or something, I need coffee."

"Sure!" At least Natsuki had the dignity to make the situation still seem positive using his innocent voice.

Relieved that the awful introduction was over, he turned on his heels and-- OH MY GOD THAT ASS.

But Haruki hit me playfully on the back of my head, and I looked up at him to see him bright red and struggling to contain his immense laughter. He was blatantly mocking my social skills. And the fact that I was practically drooling over the guy. I sent a glare towards him before catching up to Natsuki, who had already started walking to get coffee from a place across the road.

Natsuki P.O.V

Oh look at the poor thing. He was comparable to a scrawny little rat. A cute one though. His clothes hung off of his skinny body, and his bleached blonde hair fell messily around his well-defined face. He wore thick pale makeup, and black eyeliner that outlined his blue eyes, obviously coloured by contacts. His lips were well shaped and full, and they made his thin face sexier. He was obviously shorter than me, but I had no problem with that. And when he spoke... such a deep voice that echoed in my head several times, making me feel... weak.

He looked a lot worse offstage in all honesty. Of course, he hadn't lost attractiveness, but he was blatantly tired of something - which was shown by his seemingly lifeless eyes and worn body.

Trying my best to ignore the fact that I was next to some sort of sex god, I reminded myself that this was a formal situation. I could be joining VanessA! The thought made me well up with happiness inside, and excitement, even though I wasn't certain that they even liked me.

As we introduced ourselves, the vocalist had an odd expression upon his face. Unlike the more formal guitarist by his side. Genki seemed to be judging me and I couldn't help but feel paranoid. Am I wearing something odd? Is my makeup running?! The man kept staring, staring, staring, his eyes were about to burn holes in me until I got fed up and asked him what his problem was.

He stuttered. Wait... why was he being so awkward? I looked at him, then at the guitarist who was smirking now, biting his bottom lip to try to hide his giggles. Had Genki fallen for me or something?! I smiled sweetly at the vocalist, who had become flustered. But finally, he managed to distract us and propose we get a drink of some sort. It was a good idea, but I couldn't help but notice the way he stared at me. I was just an average pink haired bassist, who had just managed to escape an unsuccessful band to attempt joining a fairly successful one.

I wasn't going to let myself fall for Genki, I could sense he was trouble.


Eheeeh okay the action begins in chapter three and then the *cough* smut *cough* what? Please read vote comment and follow because it makes me so happy. I AM STUNNED BY HOW FAST CHAPTER ONE GAINED POPULARITY! THANKYOU!!!! What MEJIBRAY pairings would you like to see next? - Tsuzuku x ? and ? x Meto Please tell me who you think the '?'s should be in the comments. Ill write fanfics about those after Cheki!! Thanks again!

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