3. GenSuki

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Genki P.O.V

"Well, it's been fun, but I should probably make my way back now, it just gets even colder at night... Genki, really I think you should too," Haruki stood up, gathering his coat in his arms and bowed, before turning to Natsuki,

"Thank you for coming today, it was a pleasure to meet such a nice boy, we will definitely consider accepting you into our band."

Natsuki beamed at his words, and bowed, "Really, it's been wonderful! Thank you so much, I hope to see you again."

I stared at Haruki worriedly, my expression trying to plead him: 'NO DON'T LEAVE ME HERE I'VE HAD TOO MUCH TO DRINK!'

But it was too late as Haruki turned with a devious grin stretched over his face. Perhaps... I could give it a try... who cares what Natsu-kun would do afterwards... I'll just never speak to him again.

Natsuki P.O.V

Genki was clearly drunk. He was pissed. In a drunk way. And to make it worse, Haruki left. Genki was not good at being sensible when drunk. Although he didn't strike me as a sensible person anyway.

It was only half 9, but I dreaded going back outside into the cold autumn night with Genki clinging to my arm to steady himself. We had had a good day together, eating a sensible lunch and I had the pair try to interview me. I truly hoped it was successful and that they enjoyed my company as much as I enjoyed theirs, even though Genki constantly seemed to be in a daze when I spoke to him... And Haruki kept nudging him childishly.

"So!" Genki snapped me out of my thoughts as he banged his elbow down on the bar so that he could lean on his hand for comfort, "Wanna go home?"

"Perhaps..." I responded, unsure of how Genki wanted me to act now that the guitarist had left us.

"Back to mine?" His?

"Yours? ...why?"

"MORE ALCOHOL!" He cheered with enthusiasm.

I chuckled, shaking my head to mock the man who clearly didn't know when to stop.

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" As I said this, his expression suddenly turned to sadness.

"Well if you don't then I could end up drinking all night because I miss youuuuu..." The pale vocalist whined. Seriously, what was his logic? However, I had to admit, a night with the man would be fun...

Honestly, I hadn't been able to keep my eyes off of that body all day. Gosh he was sexy. Ne... maybe a night in with him wouldn't be so bad... maybe It'd help me get over him. I knew I shouldn't give in to my deepest desires, but I was desperate for him. No, I persuaded myself, I just want sex. Of course. I just had been missing it for too long.

I finally managed to drag him out of the bar just after 10pm and I was right – he clung to me shakily. He reeked of alcohol. But I probably did too. I couldn't deny that I had drunk quite a lot too...

"Where's your place then?" I asked, steadying the man so that he could walk by himself. (Or at least attempt to)

Genki looked puzzled for a second, his eyes frantically scanning the area. Was he really lost? Even though I was the one that travelled the furthest for our meeting? As he paused, I started to notice the alcohol finally getting to me, working some sort of magic. Poisonous magic. The more we stayed here in silence, the more my mind wandered... to his body. Fuck. I wanted that. But at last he brought up his hand and pointed half-heartedly,

"Over there."


So, we staggered into the darkness of the night, occasionally stopping to gawk at delicious displays of food hanging in restaurant windows, and Genki had to be pulled away from shop windows once or twice as he began deciding what alcohol to buy for tonight. I had to admit I loved it when he grumbled cutely as I told him, "No more!"

 But finally, we managed to arrive, Genki now complaining of sore feet from the confusing trek to his own apartment.

I pushed the moaning man into the lift, and he just managed to hit the right button to take us to his house. Being alone with him was deadly. I realised it. The man slumped his body against me, and this time I felt myself blushing, trying not to react strangely to our closeness. My skin was burning just at the touch. I was getting hard, and it was becoming increasingly uncomfortable. I shuffled awkwardly, hoping he wouldn't notice if I pulled my jeans down just a fraction. Yes, my jeans were loose, but I wasn't exactly 'small'.

"Nastuuuuu-kun I'm tired," Natsu-kun? Oh please don't make me feel this way tonight, Genki-san...

To my relief, the lift dinged open to reveal a small corridor of dimly lit lights. It wasn't the cleanest of places, but I didn't expect much more from the man, who was just as scruffy as the building.

"Natsssssuuuuuuu carry me?" Oh god no I should go home. But I can't... He's just...

To my surprise, (and his too as he let out a yelp of shock), I scooped up the thin male in my arms, using my strong bassist arms to carry him down the corridor.

"Which door?"

Genki murmured, "23."

And when we arrived outside said door, I attempted to put him down, but he insisted I keep him in my arms as he struggled to find his keys.

"Got them!" He smiled triumphantly after a minute of intense searching. I giggled, unsure of how to respond to him. Genki reached over and slipped the key into the lock, twisting it once before removing it and pushing the door open with his skinny arm.

I carried him inside, and kicked the door shut with my left foot, before once more trying to put him down.

"No." Eh? "I want to go to the bedroom."

Oh what if we end up-- Would that be a bad thing? I mean I could be about to join his band... Or what if this is an 'entrance' exam?  But then I remembered whatever it would be, it wouldn't matter to him, he was completely pissed and wouldn't remember tonight by the morning anyway.

"Pleeeaase, Na-tsu-ki?" He purred, and I shuddered at the way he pronounced my name, as he each syllable bounce off of his tongue melodically. He must be trying to tease me. Surely? I just really want him.

My mind was starting to fill with dirty desires and any sense was clouded.

"Okay, Genki-chan."

A devilish grin spanned his face. Oh, it was clear what he wanted.


Well you can guess what's happening next can't you. Hehhh.. Please vote and comment! Your comments are literally making my day(s)!! Tell your jrock friends that wattpad is a lovely place to find vkei fanfiction, and don't just tell them about me, tell them about all the other wonderful authors that write about the musical gods we are so far away from (well, most of us hahaha) AND WHOS GOING TO THE GAZETTE WORLD TOUR? PROBABLY NOT ME  XD So yeah thanks please please vote and give me feedback and follow :3 thanks!

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