Part 16 - the horrible truth #2

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Make sure you read the authors note at the bottom after,,,
Koichi POV

As I lay in my bed, my makeup-tear-stained face hidden in my pillows, I grumbled. All day I had been so confused. I don't know why I had expected Tsuzuku to ditch Ryoga for me. He seemed to really want me yesterday but.. obviously it was nothing judging by the way he dashed off in the morning to see his real boyfriend.

My eyes were sore from tears, my face sticky and puffy from all the crying and anger.

Time to go to bed - -

My phone buzzed. R-Ryoga?

My heartbeat suddenly quickened and a sick feeling began to take over my body. What did he want now?

*incoming message: Ryoga 9.56pm

Might want to pick up your trash, it's been kicked about a bit wwww

*1 attachment: MAP

Tsuzuku POV

My vision was blurring, my body weak, stinging all over, my shoulder feeling as if it were on fire. My phone was getting soaked by the rain now, as the droplets got heavier and heavier. I had texted Koichi, I had tried to phone him but.. my number was blocked. Oh god, help me..

Koichi POV

M.. my .. trash? What does he mean? I clicked on the map, which opened a link leading me to some coordinated placed on a hilltop on the outskirts of the ward. It was a notoriously quiet and sketchy area.. why was he luring me there? Did he want a fight..?

I replied after some thought, 'my trash? I don't want any arguments, I'll stay away. Look after Tsuzuku and leave me alone.'

FUCK!! I yelled out over the sound of the rain that was now bashing rather noisily against my bedroom window. My dream of a romance with Tsuzuku was over for good now. He was happy. He was happy! I was a distraction to him!

Before I could convince myself anymore, my phone buzzed again,

*incoming message: Ryoga: might want to read that last message again. Hmm.. what could it mean, I wonder? Maybe it's best to go check it out. www

*1 attachment: MAP

He sent the map again. Fucks sake! Fuck this!! Trash? My trash? What the fuck does that even mean?

Ryoga's little games that he found so amusing made absolutely no sense to me. Fuck I'll just have to ring Gen- - Tsuzuku.

I scrolled through my phone to find Tsuzuku's name buried in the 'blocked' list. I took a deep breath. This is the last time I'll speak to him at least. I just want to know what's going on. I'll call him.

Taking another breath, my fingers sweating, my stomach full of nervous butterflies, my heart beat pulsating in my ears, I clicked 'unblock'.

*missed call

*missed call

*missed call

*missed call

*text: Tsuzuku: hHEL P MeE

*missed call

*missed call

I screamed.

Tsuzuku POV

It was no good, nobody was coming to get me.

Ryoga had left me there. Koichi had blocked me. Soon enough, the rain leaked into my phone and rendered it useless. Help...

It felt like a short lifetime. A very short long lifetime of my mind repeatedly screaming at myself to move but my body completely unresponsive. I couldn't really feel anything but at the same time my entire body felt twisted and painful. I wanted to scream but I couldn't. I could barely feel anything besides the pain, I didn't even know what else I should've been feeling, I couldn't really make sense of anything but..

"..nki.." hm? "..enki...." wh..?

In the distance, faintly, I heard a hoarse voice shouting..

Koichi POV

"Genki?!" I screamed out. I had driven to the hilltop – it wasn't far. Tsuzuku was up here. Genki was somewhere..

"Tsuzuku?!..Genki?!" Fuck where was he?

I ran between trees, stumbling over roots and slipping on the wet leaves as the rain hammered down on me. Oh my god where was he?! It was so dark, I was terrified, but I had to keep going – my feet wouldn't stop running.

Further and further..


I couldn't tell where I was anymore. My phone has no signal.. how would I even find him here?! I kept running anyway, calling out, yelling, hoping somehow he'd come running back at me. Every tree I passed, every corner I turned, I imagined a happy Tsuzuku waiting for me to collect him and take him home, but every tree I passed and corner turned met me with black darkness.


Finally, I came to a clearing. The moon, now high in the sky, illuminated a bench across from me a few metres, that intersected a pathway which seemed to lead a quick was back down from the hilltop. I had no idea what to do – I couldn't go home without finding him.

I approached the bench, standing on it and steadying myself with the back of it to try to get a good look of my surroundings, even in the pitch black night. My pink hair dripped over my shoulders, my body was soaked under my hoody and I shivered – but my mind was too foggy with worry and confusion to properly notice how cold I was.

And beyond that bench lay a small ditch.


Oh my god. Tsuzuku was led there, his body soaked in the rain, his clothes sodden and stuck to his body, stained red from blood, filthy and torn. I thought I would collapse. He was led face down, one bloody arm out stretched, gripping his mobile phone, the unresponsive screen glaring up at the sky.

How did..

"TSUZUKU!!" I screamed in fear, jumping down from the bench into the ditch, my ankles clicking and sending shooting pain up my legs under the impact. Ignoring this I reached down and grabbed Tsuzuku suddenly, shaking him gently at first, before realising he was unconscious and his breathing shallow.


Blood everywhere.. cold he was so.. cold. I was panicking..

I picked him up in my arms, his body was so light I could carry him rather easily and with shaky legs I carried him back down the hill, sobbing uncontrollably, apologising with every step I took. He wasn't conscious, he couldn't hear me, but I didn't know what else to do besides apologise as I hauled his limp body towards my car.

As gently as I could in such a terrified state, I placed the fragile man in my car and climbed into the drivers seat. I was so panicked, so fearful that he might die, I was shaking all over. I turned the heater up to full and started the engine.

"Hospital .. " I muttered through sobs.. "it'll be.. okay.."

Let me play with your TsuKoi feels, reader-sama~
Oh! Here's an A/N you might be interested in (I sure am), I'm selling visual key merch! I have 6 CURE magazines, 1 SHOXX magazine, one mejibray towel, some Cheki (ironic, huh) and anime merch and Japan stuff etc. Message me for price info, will probably ship worldwide if you can cover the cost :) I think all magazines have mejibray in them at least, including some A4 posters:) I really need to raise money as I want to go on holiday to Japan and I need your help!!
Also I wanna write a Kaneki x Tsukiyama Tokyo Ghoul fic is that okay?

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