12. KoiTsu

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A/N: If you want some TsuKoi yaoi this chapter is for you ;)

Koichi P.O.V

"MORNING! God finally you woke up! It's 1pm, you know?!" ...Huh...?

The smell of bacon, eggs and slightly burnt toast filled my nostrils and my stomach growled.

"Koichi wake the fuck up and tell me what in the name of god that text last night was about." What. WHAT. WHAAAT?!

I sat straight up in my bed at the sound of his voice.


A huge plate of cooked breakfast was shoved towards me but I couldn't take my eyes off of the man who was perched on the end of my bed.

"Eat up then!" He winked and smirked.

"H-how did you get in?!" I questioned, still terrified.

"Your door was unlocked. You know, you should really be more careful..."


Tsuzuku P.O.V

I wasn't going to lose him.

I went to his little apartment at midday only to find he was still asleep. As soon as I walked in, the memories hit me. The familiar smell of his apartment made me tear up immediately. It hadn't changed one bit. He still had his PlayStation 3 with all of its games scattered next to it, the kitchen was much neater than mine since he had washed everything instead of leaving it to collect dust. I chuckled through the tears that threatened to fall as I remembered how he used to offer to clean my apartment for me, like a mother.

When I heard the soft snores coming from his bedroom, I crept in, peering around the door to see him still fast asleep. His body was sprawled across the bed and his mouth was parted slightly, letting his cute little snores escape. I didn't understand how someone could sleep in for so long – I certainly couldn't.

It had been so long since I had last been here, but I knew my around the kitchen easily enough. After figuring out how a gas hob worked again, I fried some eggs, bacon, stuck some toast in his toaster but couldn't find any sausages or tomatoes so I hoped he'd settle for a basic cooked breakfast.

Forcing him and I to spend a day together was the only thing I could think of doing to gain back at least his friendship.

When the breakfast was done, I sandwiched the eggs and bacon between the toast (making sure the overcooked sides faced in) and neatly sliced it into two triangles before placing the finished breakfast onto a little plate. Cautiously, I carried the toasted sandwich breakfast into his bedroom. The same alarm clock ticked next to him, he was wrapped the same bed covers he had when I last came here, the same wardrobe with that broken door that always fell open no matter how hard you slammed it shut.

I gently sat down on the edge of his single bed, silently admiring him for a few moments. He had barely changed besides the hair. I was thankful for that. His skin seemed perfect as usual – so healthy and smooth. He looked adorable but I was also angry as I recalled the text I had received the night before.

"Koichi." I called him. He groaned almost inaudibly and I laughed softly at him as he rolled over grumpily in his sleep. However, despite the laughing-mixed-with-anger, I couldn't help but ache inside as I knew how much better life would be if I could wake up to this each morning.

When he finally woke up I couldn't stop my hands from trembling.

Koichi P.O.V

"If you didn't wake up soon I was tempted to throw this sandwich at you," He giggled, almost shyly, before nodding towards the plate. Oh god his laugh. It wasn't rare but it made him look so handsome, and every time I saw it I went red.

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