11. Genki died, I'm Tsuzuku.

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*I think 'Tsuzuku' is 'To Be Continued' in Japanese sorry if I'm wrong

Koichi P.O.V

He burst in cradling a bulging white plastic bag in his extremely skinny arms.

Miserably, I shifted on the sofa into a better position, eyes locking onto the floor as I could no longer be bothered to try to look happy. I hadn't wanted to see him again yet the moment I walked in a wave of butterflies washed through me, reawakening the love I once had.

"Genkun!" Ryoga, who sat next to me on the arm of the sofa, got up enthusiastically. My heart sank dramatically as Ryoga's voice reminded me that I had given up on the chance to be with him. The chance I definitely had. And I was replaced.

"Ryoga-Rin!" He answered. I scowled at the mention of the nickname, the butterflies zooming all around my breaking body now, confused as to why I felt this way over someone out of reach. Ryoga bounced up to Genki, planting a gentle kiss on the vocalists lips. The lips I had once kissed. Both Genki and I knew that those little acts of love weren't meant to mean anything to us, but deep down I enjoyed every time he playfully held my hand, kissed my hair or did fan service with me. It was never meant to evoke feelings.

I pulled out my phone in an attempt to block out everyone else so that I could make it through the morning. Maybe being back with Genki wasn't good for me... but I needed the money...

Yuta P.O.V

Ryoga was a nice man. Nicer than the bassist who sat opposite me anyway. Koichi sat glumly on the other sofa, his blank face lit up by the screen of his phone, masses of silver strands falling in front of his face as he looked down. Haruki noticed me eyeing up the bassist, and he smiled reassuringly as if to say 'He's fine!'.

He wasn't. I wasn't stupid. He had blatantly hit some sort of rock bottom. Crazy pink haired perky guys don't suddenly become sad and depressed when they get a band opportunity.

When the conversation started to go quiet, I decided to speak up,

"Are you okay, Koichi-kun?" I questioned. His head snapped up. I tilted my own head, somewhat confused at his sudden response. Then he nodded, his sliver bangs falling back into their original place as he did so,

"Y-yeah.." He stitched a smile onto his face. I was curious now about what was going on. VanessA's Koichi had intrigued me from the start – so why had he suddenly changed?

Genki P.O.V

I had expected to be met with smiling faces, two new members eager to meet me, Haruki greeting me casually as usual, and Koichi... I thought he'd maybe be a little excited. Instead, I was met with a horrible awkward silence. I paused,

".." Koichi said, his eyes turning to me, his lips slightly parted, a tense expression painted upon his bare, makeup-free face.

"..." I replied.

Silver hair? Silver?

".." Haruki raised an eyebrow at me. What?

"...." Yuno and Yuta looked at each other before looking up at me, both smiling politely (and somewhat forcefully) and nodding as a half assed bow, almost simultaneously.

".." Silence was all that could be said...

".." Said Ryoga as he came back from the kitchen, followed by, "Who wants beer?!"

Suddenly the mood in the room seemed to lift again as everyone cheered in their manly tones. I sighed, relieved that the moment of awkward silence was over – yet unsure of what caused it. But seriously – his hair was silver? Still?

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