7. GenKoi

298 21 18

Koichi P.O.V

"You've noticed it too right?" Genki sat hugging his knees. He often had done this lately, in the new year. It was 2010.

I continued to stare at my fingernails which I filed with care to try to avoid breaking them, and also keep me occupied so I didn't have to make eye contact with the now even skinnier Genki. I asked, "No, what is it?"

The man sighed, and I heard the material of his baggy clothes rustle as he shifted in his chair, into another similar position, but now squatting. He wasn't eating – I needed to know sooner or later why he wasn't.

"Genki what is it?" I looked up now, but the man's gaze was fixed to the floor, his mind wandering off into a little daze. I was about to repeat my words yet again, until his lips moved, and he sadly muttered, "It's Toki. Haven't you noticed? He's unable to continue with us... he has his own problems to deal with and we are putting too much pressure on him."

The man began rocking slowly in his chair, back and forth on his heels then his toes as he blamed himself for Toki's problems. His eyes began to water.

"Gen-chan... I didn't know you cared so much for him. That's awful."

"No, Koichi," His lips trembled. My stomach began to ache with the worry I had for his health. He rested his chin on his folded arms that he had placed upon his knees. His feet half on half off the chair he sat on, he continued to repeatedly rock his body. I wanted to help him but he wouldn't admit to his real troubles – like he really cares for Toki this much. It made me think - were we really as close as I thought we were? The man would often kiss me... and often we'd fuck... but was it just our own weird friendship? I couldn't say I knew much about him even now, and I certainly wouldn't feel okay naming him my best friend... or my lover. Yes. we spent a lot of time together but we never acted like a couple...

He hiccupped once as tears began falling down his face. "Genki..." I spoke softly, but I was finding it hard to have patience with him now. It wasn't the first time he had done the same thing this week. The blonde haired man shook his head suddenly, then swallowed audibly the saliva that had gathered in his mouth. He stood, turned, and began to walk out of the room, his body noticeably trembling.

Don't walk away from me. I began to feel frustrated. Perhaps it was because I wanted the man to tell me... to involve me with his feelings... his life. Before he got to the door frame, I decided I couldn't wait any longer, and I rose suddenly from my seat, slamming my palm against the table we had been sat at, raising my voice just enough for him to know I meant it,

"Genki! Tell me what's the matter – please!" In reality, it was true, I was desperate to be there for him as I cared for him so much already. But after I spoke, the room fell silent, he stopped shuffling towards away and stood in the door frame. Quickly, I felt awkward, I regretted interfering. The man slowly looked back at me, his teary red eyes never ceasing to show his pain. But then he whispered through a hoarse voice finally,

"VanessA will break up this year."

Suddenly, he leaned over, his body arching violently as he wretched, and his tiny stomach tried to release remaining food. Of course, nothing came of it. There was no food in him.

"Genki?!" I jumped to his side, squatting next to the man and rubbing his back, unsure of how exactly I should help him. He managed to calm himself down quickly though, before his body slumped to the ground and he sat there, sniffling.

"I don't want it to end, Koichi."

I was in shock. This band had finally got me noticed. I fit in with this band and we just felt right together. But too soon it was coming to an end. I finally managed to wrap my arms around the vocalist who was just shaking in my arms. He rested his head against my chest and we sat like that, only for a few minutes as the rest of the band were in the adjacent room tweaking their instruments ready for the live that very evening.

You P.O.V

We heard it all. Sure, the band had been through rough patches, but this came as a shock to all of us. Except Toki. The three of us sat there in silence. Toki who had been cleaning his guitar enthusiastically, had now brought his hands to a halt as he stared at the shining instrument. For once I didn't know what to do or say. It had always been me who had sorted out the majority of our issues. But how could we sort this. We managed to get through losing our bassist with Koichi, but we're so far into the band that replacing such a vital member now would be too difficult.

We all heard the sobs from Genki, but there was nothing from Koichi – however we knew the poor kid would be sat there trying to make it all better for Genki, as he always did. The two were such opposites yet so similar. They both had a playful side, loved going out drinking with friends and were devoted to their band, yet Genki was the scrawny poor kid who needs us to survive, Koichi was the better off kid who knew he still had a loving home to return to. Yet somehow they just went together perfectly – even if they never truly admitted to being in love. It was as if they were just playing around with the idea of 'feelings'.

A creak from besides me caused my eyes to lock onto the smallest man in the room.

"Toki..?" Haruki spoke to said guitarist.

A quivering body sat, hunched over, two shaking hands covering a pained face.

"I'm sorry..."


Hi i'm EmS_KEI I'm new to wattpad HAHAHA ITS BEEN SO LONG I FEEL LIKE I SHOULD BE SAYING THAT but yes this is where Cheki starts.. ive been writing since January but it has not yet started. . that's weird hahaa please VOTE COMMENT SHARE FOLLOW because I need your support and I miss you all. My exams begin in two weeks tomorrow and end at the end on June, but I look forward to continuing my writing :)

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