4. NatsuGen

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A/N: If you've forgotten where we got to, I suggest reading the end of chapter 3 again xD

Natsuki P.O.V

Sure, this wasn't going to be my first time... but it was my first time with a guy. And this guy was no amateur. Yet still, as the man tugged desperately at the zip on my trousers, a mad smile spanning his cheeks, evidence of drink sparkling in those hungry eyes, I could not help but let a greedy moan escape my lips. We hadn't even reached his bedroom yet, but his hands were already at my pants, grabbing me through them as I forced myself to mute more groans that tried to escape my mouth.

When we got to his bed, I threw him onto it, and the smaller man tore off my garments hungrily, getting frustrated with the way the button was stiffly caught against the cotton of its button hole. And then when he finally freed my legs of clothes, his face lit up, his coloured orbs meeting the great bulge in my boxers, and he lowered his face towards it slowly, teasingly. It seemed as if the man could sense my nerves, as if he were aware of my inexperience with men, and he mocked it, dragging every second out to make me feel the pressure more. But really, I loved it. I loved his sadistic personality. I could clearly tell he wanted to make me suffer his torture but that only excited me more.

As I finally started to give in, I began panting with need, groaning softly. Genki continued to tease me, feathering light touches across my clothed member with pale bony fingers. He chuckled,


I was? ...Well, yes, I was. But he had noticed it – and that embarrassed me. But to distract the man from his humiliating actions, I pushed him backwards onto the bed, the mattress creaking under his small mass. I needed to show him I was no beginner.

Genki P.O.V

He sure wasn't going to give up: Natsukun crawled on top of me, breathing heavily with the lust which slowly consumed us. But I was the dominant one here. He needed to know.

And with that one thought, I forced my weak body back up, grabbing the shirt he still wore, and using it to throw him down beside me, before hastily trapping him on the bed by straddling him. I could feel his hard on pressing against my ass as I made myself comfortable in his lap, and I smirked, enjoying how he whined as I pushed against it.

"Do you want more Natsu-kun?" I giggled deeply, observing the effects of my words. The pinkette only stared into my eyes, his bare chest rising and falling quickly. And then he nodded slowly. The boy had a light blush covering his face, and his lips were panted, his breath somewhat laboured. His black-pink ponytail was scattered behind his head, his brown orbs seemed to sparkle, even under the dim light, and I was mesmerised for a second by the... b-beautiful man beneath me.

But, to his disappointment, I got off the man, and he huffed sadly at the loss of contact. But I made sure to make it up to him, as I swiftly leaned down, planting a kiss on that slightly tanned torso, chuckling as he flinched, just because of my little touch. Then, I began trailing little kisses down his body, slowly, teasingly, and I heard his breath get softer and slower as the anticipation grew. His boxers: dark pink. And I thoroughly enjoyed removing them, keeping my face close to his member as they came off.

Natsuki P.O.V

It was torturous. I needed him to take me but he was being so painfully slow. My body ached with desire. He pulled down my boxers before stopping still, his eyes staring at my cock, his mouth bent into a huge grin that made his cheeks crease and his eyes gleam. I could feel his hot breath against it and I couldn't bear to wait any longer. But then he finally grabbed it, making me gasp from surprise. And then it disappeared into his mouth entirely.

Genki P.O.V


Oh this definitely wasn't my first time doing this. The man trembled violently as I pleasured him. He was definitely the biggest I had seen, and I had to admit it was a bit of a challenge. But it was worth it to hear his sweet voice. His tanned fingers – five were tangled in my blonde hair, pulling at it in such an extraordinarily painful way, and the other five tugged at the bedsheets beneath him.

"Gen- - ki..."

But too soon he started to talk. And then instead of tugging at my hair to cope with the pleasure, he used it to pull my head away from him. His legs were already shaking, and his breath was laboured to the point where he was practically gasping for air – so what was wrong?

"Genki~" He breathed. I looked up to view his glazed brown eyes.

"Fuck me~"

We both paused for a second. The only audible sounds were our intense breaths. He was such an innocent boy, but it was so easy to pull this side of him out. I was a sadistic man, but I couldn't hurt him.

Natsuki P.O.V

The man stopped to stare at me out of shock, his eyes still wide with hunger. Suddenly, he jolted forwards, climbing over me and half diving over the edge of his bed, displaying his perfect ass to me as he reached under the bed to find something. I didn't care if he caught me staring.

But to my disappointment, he returned to me almost immediately with a little bottle of lube. Well, I wasn't exactly disappointed. The vocalist poured a small amount onto his fingers, before bringing them to my entrance, but then, he stopped his actions, just for a second, his gaze meeting mine as his smile faded slightly,

"Are you sure?"

I chuckled at the sudden change in his voice. It suddenly sounded softer and he seemed concerned. But I didn't need anything like that,

"Of course," And he nodded, the huge grin returning, before thrusting his fingers so deep without warning, causing me to arch my back. The man was impatient, and I knew it, and it didn't take long for him to remove his own trousers and boxers.

"Please~?" I begged with a single word, letting him know that I didn't need any more preparing. I reached down to take his length into one hand, pleasuring him before we started anything more. The blonde haired man let his head lean back and his shoulders dropped for a second, and he groaned loudly to show his appreciation. Oh god he was sexy.


This took me AGES to write im so sorry xD its not even that great and you probably forgot what happened in all the other chapters xD Please leave some feedback to the GenSuki NatsuGen TsuKoi KoiTsu can continue! And please VoTE and SHaRe with and ill write more by Wednesday :3

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