8. KoiGen

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A/N: This is a filler because if I wrote this all out in separate chapters, the story would drag. If you are confused by it, DONT WORRY, all will become clear in the next few chapters when meji enters the scene! I will write some hints in a comment at the end for those who are like 'wtf is happening explain please EmS!'

~~~~~~ indicates a small time skip

Koichi P.O.V

At our last live, Genki was very emotional, and it almost set me off too, but luckily I managed to keep it together. Toki on the other hand was sobbing uncontrollably, and I felt bad... it seemed that he blamed everything on himself. However, the band had been falling apart recently, and it was obvious. You was on the verge of leaving too, as lately he had had many disputes with both Haruki and Genki, even though they often acted like it didn't happen. It was these things that tore bands apart before anyone could even see the end approaching.

And then it ended. It was all over. Gone. From the first live to the last I thoroughly enjoyed myself, but it came to such an abrupt end. It took a while for me to adjust to the quiet mornings again – waking up to random messages from random people expressing their sadness over the disbandment, but no longer Genki's, "Don't forget rehearsals today!" or, "Can't wait to see you at the live later!" or, "What are you wearing? Don't wear something that turns me on too much!" or, "I'm pissed. Pick me up."

I said I'd never date the skinny rat – ever. But as days turned into weeks, he quickly started to become distant. He quickly tried to erase the memory of us from his mind. I missed his awful humour and his dirty mind.

Originally he had been visiting me regularly for coffee... and sex... but it didn't take long for him to start babbling about how he regretted making the band split up.

"We could've got another guitarist – I'm sure... But I just made us disband. Why did I do it?"

He was unemployed, and relying on me to keep his spirits high as he went through each day with a bottle or five of alcohol. Already he felt lonely.

In the end, I began cutting him off too – he wasn't good for me, as my own mother warned. His calls I would no longer return, his texts I would read later.

Haruki, on the other hand, stayed happy – he started work nearby, and so did I. I worked in a sweet shop, and it didn't take long for people to forget 'Koichi' and call me names of sweets instead, which was amusing for a while until that got boring too. Haruki would often stop by the little sweet shop to pick up something for his walk home – and his new girlfriend.

Toki would occasionally send messages over twitter and we'd have amusing conversations sometimes but, he disappeared, and finally ended up in the band 'Gekijou Tenor'.

And You. He didn't really bother after a while. He made his way into a newer band – Para:Noir, and changed his stage name to Yukino. He never really was the same anymore, and jumped at any chance to take the piss out of VanessA, so I heard. We didn't deserve it, but I could see it affecting Genki if he found out. The pair always seemed to be such good friends.

Genki P.O.V

Everyone went their own ways. Haruki stuck around – but he had found a girlfriend and was spending almost all of his time fussing over her rather than worrying about his friends. Koichi was leaving me too. He was the one person I felt I could speak to about my problems, yet he distanced himself. I noticed it. We still met up every now and then, but he would no longer try to seduce me or peck my cheek playfully – even if we knew we were never going to be anything serious. It was just for fun.

But it was the fun that I missed. And the longer I spent without him the more I began to notice his absence from my life. I wanted to be able to hold those ridiculous pink strands between my fingers, be able to kiss that porcelain skin even if it meant nothing ...to him. The longer he was away, the more it ate away at me: I should've asked him out.

Ryoga started to enter my life at that point - he became my source of comfort. It wasn't long before Ryoga-rin went from fuck buddy to romantic interest. I knew I was only doing it to distract myself from the pinkette I had seemingly lost, but it was what was good for me. A new start with a new guy. It was what I needed.


Koichi P.O.V

the LEM. The Last Experiments Mother. They wanted me to be a bassist for them. They needed me to step in for someone 'just for a month or so'. They weren't the same as VanessA – your first impression of VanessA is usually drugs, drink, mental illness and rock. the LEM were... more... simple. Their music was surprisingly good, even if Rikuto's voice got quite annoying, but they came across as an 'edgy boy band' more than anything. Still, it didn't stop me from accepting the job. If I wanted fame, I'd take even the worst jobs if it meant meeting better people.

Genki P.O.V

It wasn't Koichi. I watched him – I even went to one of their rare lives that they allowed him to play in. He was smiling – but it wasn't his real smile. They had made him dye his pink hair back to grey, and I guessed it was to make him fit in more as he would've stuck out like a sore thumb. the LEM were one of those bands that were annoyingly similar clothes. It was one of those restricting bands for, in my opinion, desperate kids. I never told him I turned up to a live, just as I never told Ryoga. He couldn't know either. I knew this was the wrong band for the kid, but I couldn't stop him.

Ryoga was always there for me. Yet, every time I held Ryoga, every time we were intimate, I wished for his hair to be longer, dyed exotic colours, his voice to be a little more angelic when he sang, even though I loved Ryoga's tone anyway. Of course, I adored Ryoga - he had made my life so much better after VanessA's break up. But no matter how much I tried, my true feelings would find a way to creep into my mind and torment me.


Koichi P.O.V

The end of the year rushed towards us. I enjoyed my time with the LEM but their bassist returned. I was unemployed and my 2010 had been a year of let downs: chances at fame that fizzled out of sight not long after. I wanted to be noticed, loved, even worshipped, but anything I did was a dead end. I needed something new. Something more... me.


Genki P.O.V

I picked up my phone, texting incredibly fast.

'Yuno-san, I am Genki, ex-VanessA, but we can introduce ourselves formally later. There are rumours about you being a great guitarist despite your young age. Care to show me sometime soon?'

Haruki P.O.V

The grin on his face said everything. We were back. ...Well three of us would be anyway.

- - - - -

SO THAT WAS BASICALLY THEIR 2010 SUMMED UP IN 1000 WORDS! I really wanted to get this out of the way because it was just like 'nothing really happens... nothing really happens... nothing really happens...' Ill put a comment in the comments explaining anything, and don't be afraid to ask questions. BE PREPARED FOR THE MEJIBANTER IN THE NEXT PART. PLEASE: VOTE COMMENT (lets take into consideration this was a crappy filler - be nice hahaha) SHARE FOLLOW AND STAY HYDRATED DURING EXAMS!

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