5. GeNatsu

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A/N: The video is a comment by VanessA (Front right: Genki, Front left: You, Back left: Toki, Back middle: Haruki, Back Right: NATSUKYUNNN but he says Koichi ofc) (he was so sweet and shy back then omg)
Its actually really entertaining to watch them, even if you have no idea what theyre saying xD
Note: You's name is pronounced as 'yo' like  a single 'yo-yo' xD

Natsuki P.O.V

I woke up slowly, immediately noticing the small amount of sunlight that had escaped from the outside world into my room, immediately hearing the desperation of my cat as it scraped its food dish across the floor, licking it for remaining crumbs, immediately realising I HAD A FUCKING HANGOVER THANKS TO GENKI. Oh he was so going to die.

Well at least I got the job even if it was in the weirdest way possible...

Only a few minutes into our hot sex last night, the vocalist made some sort of remark about how good it was, and at that moment I gasped out somewhat jokingly amongst Genki's erratic thrusts,

"S-So does... that... mean... I got... the job?" as I tried to smirk at the man who was already lost in his own world of ecstasy.

With his head thrown back, he still heard me, and he moaned out, "Whaaahht job..? Ughh..." before forcing himself deeper inside me.

That was when I dragged my neatly painted nails down his chest, scratching him as a reaction to the intense pleasure he fed me and making him groan more, before reminding him loudly, "Being your ba-aaaa-assist!"

And I noticed a little smile curve slowly onto his lips, as he responded, dragging out the single syllable, "Yeessss~"

...After rubbing my sleepy eyes, I brought my hand up to observe the damage his chest had done to my nails.
The idiot had ruined my nails during a one night stand?!

Genki P.O.V

The idiot: my body gained more unwanted scars?!

I lifted my top to see a throbbing scar on my chest – well 4 vertical scars that went from just between my pierced nipples to my belly. Oh now I couldn't go shirtless during lives. It would be impossible to cover these with makeup.

After glaring at myself for a good few minutes in the mirror, I stretched up and yawned, listening with satisfactions to the clicking of my spine. However, interrupting my relaxed state, I received a new message, and I sauntered over to my buzzing phone to read:

'You better be paying for me to get a new manicure this weekend?'

The pinkette had messaged me. I was planning on ignoring him... but of course – I wasn't a rude man.

'Come to the rehearsal today?' That ought to distract him from his precious princess nails.

'Already? Of course! What time?' Such an excited beginner, I smiled at the screen like an idiot.


Natsuki P.O.V

So I met up with him, beaming with delight, and so was he.

"I'm so excited to meet VanessA formally!" I cheered, causing Genki smile enthusiastically also.

"This way then," He chuckled, gesturing to a set of double doors, which lead to a long corridor, which eventually lead to the outside world again. Confused, I questioned Genki, but he continued to walk across the road, and that was when we arrived at...

"A garage?!" I would never have expected this.

"Before you say anything – yes, this is more of a storage room, but at least it works out well!"

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