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Hi!! Long time no see .. right?? It's EmS and I'm back to see who's still lingering around wattpad/who's new to my stories!
I've been contacted by a few people recently in the comments and in my messages here, asking me to pick up this story where it died - I didn't realise so many people liked it after I stopped frequenting wattpad in 2016!!
Anyway, I have decided to come back to writing here again, to finish this one story.

1 problem: I can't remember what the plot was going to lead to.. hahaha oh dear EmS..  I've already got some ideas so I've just got to craft them into a story (somehow)

(It's weird to think I was 16 when I last wrote it and now I'm 18.. let's see how much my writing has changed ..)

Here's what I can't decide: do I keep it all innocent, cute with arguments but it's all cool?
Or do I make the plot contain dark subjects for the characters to overcome? Please tell me in the comments!

Stay tuned, keep your notifications on, re read this story so you can remember what happened ..
And please leave a comment down below to let me know who you are and if you're gonna be continuing to read Cheki!
Once more, thank you all for your continued support!

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