Lunch and Jewelry

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As I drove down the highway I was jamming to the radio and singing along to B. Smyth's "Gettin' That". I arrived at Red Robin and searched for Kiyah.

I finally spotted her sitting in the back of the restaurant drinking a chocolate milkshake. She had on a cropped white t-shirt with "BAD" printed on the front of her shirt in big ,gold letters, white jeans, with gold sandals and accessories.

She smiled at me as I sat down in the seat in front of her. "Hey Gabby!" she said with a smile plastered on her face.

It was nice to see her looking lively since the last time I saw her she had wires hooked up to her.

"Hey, good to see you" I said as the waitress walked up to me.

"Hi, im amanda, i'll be your waitress for today. What can I get you to drink?" she said trying to seem enthusiastic.

I searched the drink section and found a milkshake called Rookie Magic which was basically a cookies and cream milkshake.

"I'll have the Rookie Magic" I said looking up at her.

"Coming right up!" she stated then bounced over to the bar to fill my order.

I already knew what I wanted to eat but pretended to look busy searching through the menu so that Kiyah could start the conversation.

"So... "she started then I glanced up to make eye contact. "im glad that you agreed to meet with me after everything thats happened" she said.

"No problem" I said trying to sound interested.

"Well the reason I called you here was because I know that I -"

"Rookie Magic!" the waitress interrupted then placed my milkshake on the table.

The waitress took our orders and then Kiyah continued her speech.

"I know that I really hurt you but I want to say that I really am sorry and I miss my best friend. Can you please forgive me?" she said trying to make the speech dramatic.

"I forgive you, but now I'm hungry. Where my food at?" I said before smacking my lips, trying to loosen the tension.

She looked at me in disbelief then started to laugh. "I love you, your so crazy" she said with a smile.

"Yea yea yea just give me my damn burger" I said chuckling.

We began to chat about the things that had happened since we last spoke. I left out anything that had to do with Chris. The food came and we dug in. Then when she was done she looked at me and waited for me to finish chewing.

"What? Something on my face?" I said as she stared at me.

"No, just wanted to ask you something." she said looking somber.

"Shoot" I said as I nibbled on a french fry.

"What happened with you and Chris?" she said.

When she said Chris I started to blush alittle bit. "We're together, in love, and having better sex than before" I said.

We both laughed. "That's great!" she said with a smile. "Its good to hear that you guys are back together. Now we just have to wait on that ring" she said as she pointed at her ring finger. I nearly choked on my fry.

"Are you ok?" she said trying to pass me water.

"Im fine" I said after clearing my throat. "I haven't even thought about that yet. I've just been taking things slow."

"Well don't be surprised when he's down on one knee." she said before finishing her milkshake.

"Umm...yea.." I said feeling uneasy.

We finished eating ,paid the bill ,and got up to leave and go our seperate ways.

As I drove back to Chris' house, "We Belong Together" by Mariah Carey played and then "Stay With You" by John Legend played. I eventually turned off the radio and drove in silence. Marriage and rings seemed to be the theme on the radio.

I parked the car back in his garage but sat in the car for about 5 minutes thinking about what Kiyah had said about marrying him.

"Hey babe" said Chris as he walked towards the car. I didn't even notice that he had entered the garage.

"Hey" I said while painting a smile on my face. Seeing Chris with a smile on his face made me smile. it was inevitable.

He walked over and opened the door for me to get out then kissed me as the door closed. He then grabbed my hand and let me inside and to the backyard.

"Stay here" he said rushing back into the house, not even giving me a chance to say anything.

After about 5 minutes of staring at the sky, he came back with his shirt off and swimming trunks on. it looked as though he had rubbed oil on his chest because he was gleaming. I also noticed that his hands were behind his back.

"What are you hiding?" I said feeling suspicious.

"This" he said as he brought his hands out in front of his chest. I looked at his hands and saw a small velvety box. My heart began to try to jump out of my chest.

He spoke again." I just want to show you how much I love and care about you. I don't know what I would do without you." he then handed me the box for me to open it.

I stared at the box in my hands and what Kiyah said started to play again in my mind. I closed my eyes and began to open the box.

I let out a sigh of relief when I saw a diamond necklace.

"Thanks baby, Its beautiful!" I said before kissing him deeply.

"Your welcome, now go put on your swimsuit and meet me in the pool" he said beaming.

I stood up and began to walk back inside. As I walked by Chris, he smacked my ass and bit his lip.

I giggled and walked inside and up to our bedroom to change into my swimsuit. And yes I said our bedroom. Did I forget to mention I moved in with him?

Anyways, I placed the necklace next to my other jewelry and stared at it for alittle while. "That was close" I thought to myself. I wasn't ready to get married just yet.

I changed into my swimsuit and headed back outside while bracing myself for what might happen next.

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