Forbidden Painting

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** 4 months later **

A few months have passed and Chris and I are still devastated. I have done everything in my power to prevent Chris from destroying Rihanna's life. He won't listen. All he wants is revenge.

I've been making frequent trips to the doctor in order to make sure that my body has gone back to functioning correctly.

We try to leave the house as little as possible in order to avoid paparazzi. It's very stressful. We occasionally have to call some friends and ask them to bring us what we need. For example, I had to call Kiyah a few times to buy us some groceries. She doesn't mind because she understands what we are going through.

Chris spends most of his days in the basement painting and dancing and then checking in on me every hour to make sure I'm fine. We decided to hold off on the wedding in order to fully recover from our tragic loss.

"Babe, are you ok? You need anything?" Chris said when he walked into the room. He had his shirt off and was sweating which means he was probably dancing today.

"I'm fine." I replied while continuing to stare at the ceiling fan and watch it spin.

I could feel Chris's eyes exploring my body.

"Can you stop?" I said irritated.

"Stop what?" He said confused.

I sat up at looked at him. "Stop watching my body like a predator".

"I can't help it. Your sexy even when your sad." He said with a smirk before he hopped on the bed, sat next to me and kissed me on the cheek.

"Oh lord... I can't..." I said before slowly sliding off the bed. As my feet hit the floor I doubled over.

"ahh!" I shouted. I was still having some pain in my lower abdomen.

"Are you ok?" Chris said as he grabbed my arm to prevent me from falling.

"Yea I'm fine" I said as I stood up straight.

"I wanna show you something baby" Chris said he scooted across the bed then stood next to me. I just looked at him and shook my head. I couldn't walk all the way to the basement. It would hurt too much.

After seeing my unspoken response, Chris put my arm around his neck and then lifted me up carrying me bridal style all the way to the basement.

"I could get used to this treatment right here!" I said. We giggled but I had to stop because it hurt.

Once we got to the basement, he laid me down on the couch. There was a white sheet covering the wall in front of me.

"oh lord, what did you do to the damn wall?" I said annoyed. When we finally got home after the incident, Chris decided it would be a good idea to punch a wall leaving a big hole where his fist was.

"I didn't punch it this time! I promise!" He said then giggled. I just smiled in order to prevent the pain from sneaking back.

"You ready?" Chris said looking into my eyes.

"Yea, show me" I said holding my stomach.

Chris kissed me on my forehead then walked over to the sheet and ripped it off of the wall. I was speechless.

I sat up in order to get a better look at the painting.

"I.. I.." I couldn't speak. Chris had painted a replica of what our wedding was supposed to look like. It had every little detail down to a science.

"Help me up" I said struggling to stand up before Chris walked over to help me up then lead me towards the painting.

I examined the painting and then came across something peculiar. It was a little boy standing behind Chris in a matching suit.

I put my hand over my mouth and began to cry. It was our son. Our beautiful son. Chris held me in his arms with my face buried in his chest. I could tell from the way that his chest moved that he was crying also.

"It's beautiful... He's beautiful" I said still choking on my tears.

Chris lifted my head to look into my eyes. His eyes were wet and alittle red from the tears streaming down his face.

"I love you" he said.

"I love you too" I replied.

Chris held my face as he kissed me passionately. This was a great moment. I had been trying to prevent myself from crying after everything happened, but it was good to finally let it all out.

Chris carried me back upstairs and laid me down on the bed before laying next to me. We spent the rest of the evening wrapped in each other's embrace.

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