Don't Go!

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I woke up with the sun shining through the curtains. I looked at the clock on the nightstand: "9:45". I got up and walked over to balcony and stepped outside. The birds were chirping and it was a beautiful day. I looked down to the pool and saw that the clothes weren't floating in there anymore.

"Chris probably took them out..." I said to myself.

I went back into the bedroom and closed the balcony door before getting in the shower and putting on a hat, yoga pants, a t-shirt and my Adidas sneakers. I grabbed my purse and was ready to head out.

I walked down the stairs and saw Chris fast asleep on the couch. Why did he have to look so cute all the time?

I snuck out of the door to not wake him up and into the garage and drove off in my Audi R8 and headed for the gym to meet up with Kiyah with Trophies by Drake playing through the speakers.

I picked her up and then we went to breakfast at IHOP. Before I walked in I put on my sunglasses hoping nobody would notice me since Chris and I have been seen around town together. We walked in and some high school boys started staring at us. One said "Damn, her ass fat" Kiyah nudged me and I couldn't help but giggle in my head. These kids have no filter these days.

Kiyah went to the bathroom while I waited for the hostess to call us to a table. I sat down across from the boys and pulled out my iPhone and started scrolling through twitter when I heard one of the boys whisper "she looks just like that girl Chris Brown goes with." And then multiple "oh shit! Yea!". Finally Kiyah came back and then the hostess called us. I stood up and began walking towards the hostess when I felt a hand pull on my arm.

"Excuse me ma" I heard and turned around to see one of the high school boys had grabbed my arm and the others were watching me hard.

"Can I ask you a question right quick?" He said.

"Sure, wassup?" I replied as I took possession of my arm back.

"Are you Gabby? Like... Chris Brown's Gabby?" I opened my mouth to speak but then Kiyah said "Come on girl! I'm

Hungry!". "Ok I'm coming" I said before she sucked her teeth and followed the hostess.

I faced the boys again and slid my sunglasses down so they could see my eyes then smiled and said "nice to meet you". The boys said "Oh shit!" in unison. I shushed them and then one of the boys asked me for a picture. I said sure and took a picture with them before saying bye, putting my sunglasses back on and going to the table where Kiyah was. Her hungry ass was already ordering her food.

"So lemme get a uh... Nevermind I want the all you can eat pancakes." She said as I sat down.

"I ordered you some hot chocolate." Kiyah said.

"Thanks" I replied and then told the waitress "I'll get the bacon temptation omelette" she then said great, grabbed the menus and walked away.

Once we got our food, the high school boys were seated across from us. Another boy had joined their group and I saw that the boy who grabbed my arm pointed me out to him and then showed him the picture. I just laughed and kept eating. After we paid and left IHOP we went shopping. I had to stop by Michael Kors to get a new purse since Rihanna thought that purses enjoyed being submerged in water.

We finally stopped for lunch at a local café called Cherry. As we sat down I felt my phone buzz. I looked at it and saw that I had 5 missed calls from Chris.

"Chris ain't it?" Kiyah said.

"Yea..." I replied.

"What did he do this time?" She said while shaking her head.

I told her everything that happened and she started laughing.

"What's funny?" I said.

"You and Chris! Y'all are always going back and forth over something, then he gives you some dick, and you forget everything and "start fresh" like he ain't the same guy he was the week before he did what he did."

She was right.. I was always giving him chance after chance. But I loved him so damn much! I couldn't let him go.

"What's wrong with me...?" I said.

"Nothing's wrong. You just need to figure out if this shit is really worth it because I would beg to differ." She said before we got our food.

I didn't say much for the rest of our time together. After I dropped her back off at the gym, I drove to the beach. The beach gave me clarity and I really needed to think. After walking on the sand for about 2 hours, I headed back to the house. I still had only 5 missed calls which was surprising. I was expecting him to have called me 20 times by now.

I parked my car in the garage and headed inside. I saw Chris sitting in a chair by the pool looking off into the distance. As I opened the screen door and stepped outside he didn't even turn around. "That's weird" I thought to myself. I thought that as I soon as I walked in he would have been suffocating me with apologies.

I walked over and sat next to him.

"Hey..." He said still looking at the sky. "Hey..." I replied back.

It was silent for a few moments and then he spoke.

"I think we need space..."

I turned to look at him. "What?"

"I think we need to slow down. I honestly don't know what I want right now and I don't want you to hate me. I love you too much to see you hurting like this." He said before he turned to look at me and said "I'm sorry" then got up and went inside.

My heart was breaking and I felt the tears running down my face. I stood up and turned around and saw him making his way up the stairs. I ran inside and followed him into our bedroom.

"Don't do this." I said.

"I have to." He replied as he picked up a suitcase.

"No! Where are you even going to go? Where the hell did you get this idea?"

He ignored me, grabbed the suitcase and then walked down the stairs to the garage.

"STOP! Tell me what's going on!!" I screamed. Tears continued to stream down my face as I ran after him.

He put the suitcase in his blue Lamborghini Gallardo. And then walked over to the driver side but I stopped him and stood in front of the door. I looked him in the eyes waiting for an answer.

He looked down, sighed and said "I'm going to Virginia. Getting back to my roots and spending some time with my family." Then he looked me in the eyes and said "you'll be fine. I'll be back as soon as I get myself together. I love you." He kissed me and I didn't want it to end. As he pulled away, I saw a tear run down his face. He opened the door, got in, and drove off. I tried to chase the car but eventually stopped and stood in the driveway, motionless. Tears streaming down my face. I couldn't believe it.

Friends and Benefits (Chris Brown Fan-fic)Where stories live. Discover now