😆 chapter 16

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When I am walking to my car I feel someone walking behind me. Why do I always have this feeling when I am walking back to my car. Why can't this happen like when I am walking to my house. But nope its always when I walk to my car.

I am getting close to my car when someone puts there hands on my hips. And you know me I always have to freak out because I don't like it if someone touches me even if its my hair.

I am like that because I always got hit by Luke and calum Ashton and Michael. Micheal barely hit me but when he did, it was hard.

When elbowed the person in the stomach I ran to my car but it wasn't you should have seen me it was funny as hell. When I got to my car. I was an idiot and dropped the keys Like the fuck I thought that only happened in movies but there was a voice that I really didn't want to hear.

Luke... Can't he just leave me alone.

"Where you going sweet cheeks I thought we could have a little talk since you weren't at you house when I came by."Luke said slurring his words.

I could tell he was drunk and I don't like the sound of that. At the school he beat me when he was high and that didn't help. Who was it I think it was Ashton that had to pull him off because I was going in and out of consciousness and of course they left me lying for hours until Michael HAD to come and take me home because luke didn't want anyone to see me like that at least I know that he cares for how I look after he beats the shit out of me.

I haven't been beaten lately but you know just a few punches here and there.

"Luke just go back inside I don't want to put up with your shit." I said turning around to my car.

"Hey watch your language missy" he snatches my jaw and that crap hurt.

"Let go of me Luke that hurt." I say not even knowing that tear are on my face.

"Don't you cry and if you want to cry I will show you something to cry about". He says throwing me on the ground and honestly I am scared to death he is never like this.

"LUKE LET ME GO YOUR HURTING ME." I scream knowing no one can hear me.

"Stop crying you little bitch.... Wait scratch that keep crying I will show you something to cry about."

When he is done saying that he starts throwing punches left and right left and right.

Right before he was gonna throw me head down someone pushed Luke out of the way when I look up u know its calum.

"Luke what the fuck are you trying to do kill her."

Calum says trying to hold Luke down as Ashton and a drunk Michael come running over with there 'girlfriends' following Like lost puppys. When they see me they try to comfort me but I back away like there complete strangers.

"DONT TOUCH ME STAY AWAY ALL OF YOU I HATE ALL OF YOU CONTROL LUKE HE WOULD OF FUCKING KILLED ME. stay away ." I sat loudly as blood drips from my face.

I look back at them and they all look guilty especially sunshine and Callie like what the fuck are you guilty for is it because there with bullys that I honestly can't stand anymore I just want all of this to end so I get in my car but not before calum stops me.

"Where are you going rach."

"First off just because you save me doesn't mean we are all buddy buddy and second I am going to end this all I am tired of you guys beating me up especially you Luke. So I am doing all of you a favor and ending this shit."

But before they can say something I get in my car and lock it so I can start it and leave.

"Racheal open this door look were sorry okay just get out before you do something stupid."

"I can't have one night out without you guys there and sorry doesn't cut it buddy boy so back the fuck off and don't follow me either.

Thanks for the nomination. @littlemisshemming means a lot love you guys thanks for reading this boring book.any questions message me.


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