New Transfer |(1)|

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3rd person Pov

Tsukishima say at his desk, looking out of the window. He rummaged through his bag and finally pulled out his headphones, and put them on. He turned on his ipod and classical music filled his ears. His eyes were distant, as if he were deep in thought. He could hear the whispers of excitement from his classmates, talking about the new transfer student who would arrive today.

"What do you think she will look like?" A girl asked her friends.

"Hmm, not sure, she's probably just going to be average looking anyway." One friend replied, clearly not interested in the conversation.

"Oh Sakura!!" The girls laughed and carried on talking about whatever crap girls like that go on about.

Tsukishima hated girls like that. Ones that think their so perfect, ones that put down others, even if they haven't met or seen them. They main goal of that was to make them feel better about themselves. They were kinda pretty, anyone could admit that, but their personalities outshone through it, and to him, they were disgusting.

The teacher walked into the room and Tsukishima took of his headphones and put them into his bag. The teacher did their introductions and the class sat down again.

"Now class, I hope you are aware of the new transfer student who will be joining this class today, please give her a kind welcome!"

His hands gestured to the door and he gave a smile. A girl walked into the room and stood next to him.

"This is Shiraishi Miuna, Shiraishi-san, please introduce yourself to the class."

The girl took a small step foward and began to speak.

"Ano......i'm Shiraishi Miuna, sorry for transferring at such a akward time please take care of me! Please call me Shira-chan!"

She bowed and stood up again smiling. Their were lots of murmuring and whispers of approval.

"Sensei, can we ask her questions?" A boy called Kuroki Yamato asked their teacher.

He smiled at the boy, "okay Kuroki-san but please be quick everyone."

Lots of hands suddenly went up, swaying and shouts to answer their question. Their teacher looked at a boy with a mop of brown hair.

"Yes, Muroshi-san?"

"Ano....Shira-chan, do you have a boyfriend?"

The girls cheeks instantly went red and she stuttered her answer, barely composing herself.

"I-I I do not have a boyfriend at the moment Muroshi-san."

Lots of whispers erupted in the room. A girl with short blonde hair and a kind smile put her hand up to ask a question.

"Yes, Yachi-san?"

"What school did you use to go to Shira-chan?"

Miuna smiled at the genuine question and Yachi smiled back.

"I use to go to Nekoma."

"Do you mean Nekoma in Tokyo! The boys Volleyball team have played against them!!"

"Yes, the school in Tokyo. And I know, I've helped out at matches between them before."

Yachi gave a huge grin and Miuna returned it happily. Yachi seemed really nice, and they seemed to get along really well. Maybe she had just found a new friend? Little did she know that Yachi was thinking the exact same thing.

"Okay Shiraishi-san enough questions, let's start the lesson now. Please sit next to Tsukishima-san over there."

The teacher pointed over at a boy staring out of the window, who looked bored Miuna had noticed that he hadn't paid attention to her introduction like the others. It made her smile. This boy seemed interesting, and she wanted to get to know him better.

Tsukishima's Pov

I looked at the window to make sure that my eyes would not lock with hers. As soon as she walked in I could feel my cheeks going red, she was beautiful. She was really tall for a girl, which made me smile, she was way taller than Hinata!

She had long black hair that she tied up, and unique blue eyes with flecks of black in them. She was akwardly shuffling in her feet, and her cheeks were red. It seemed like she wasn't aware of the affect that she had on people.

After the introductions, our teacher smiled at her.

"Okay Shiraishi-san enough questions, let's start the lesson now. Please sit next to Tsukishima-san over there."

My eyes widened but I quickly composed myself and continued to look out the building. I could hear her was until she was next to me, and I could hear a chair being pulled out and someone sitting on it. I quickly turn to get a glimpse of her, and to my horror, she was looking at me already. I tried to ignore her, but she put her hand out in the front of me and gave me a big smile.

"Nice to meet you! Let's have a good year Tsukki-chan!"

My eyes widened after hearing my new nickname but I kept myself calm.

"Why would I shake hands with you?" I murmur to myself, but her hand stays.

"I'm not leaving you alone until you shake hands with me."

I was going to decline again but realised that I would miss part of the lesson. I finally took her hand and she shook it happily.

I continued to work in class, but I wasn't focused. This girl sure was annoying, by how she acts, and annoyingly cute as well.

Shiraishi's Pov

I could see Tsukki-chan looking at me from the corner of my eye and I wondered why. I noticed that his ears were red, and his cheeks were a bit too. I he was okay, maybe a he had a fever? He seemed okay when I talked to him a minute ago. I turned and looked at him, taking a better look at him. He was pretty cute, with blonde hair and brown eyes.

He saw me staring and blushed, them looking away out of the window. I hope he's okay. Is something wrong? I looked in the window reflection see see if I had anything on my face. It was fine. So what was up with him?

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