Secret Photos|(7)|

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Hey guys!! If you haven't already guessed that's me ^^^ above!!

Thanks so much for all the views and votes!!!

Still can't believe it's over 100 now XD

Thanks for all of the support you guys have given me from the start!!


3rd Person Pov

A few hours later the coach finally arrived in Tokyo, and everyone got out their legs and had a stretch. Miuna and Yachi went to the side and Miuna showed Yachi some stretches that she should do.

When everyone was feeling better they walked into the huge building. Miuna and Yachi didn't want to get lost so they held onto each other. They could all hear the familiar sound of Volleyball in gyms.

Numerous boys were packed into the gym, and Miuna and Yachi felt selfconcious about being there. Hinata ran up to a boy with pudding hair and gave him a huge hug.


Shiraishi Pov

It was funny seeing Hinata being so enthusiastic compared to the bored looking boy. They were polar opposites, but it seemed like they got on well anyway.

Yachi tugged my arm and I walked to the side with her, so she could talk to me alone.

"Miuna-chan, I swear I'm going to have some kind of break down right now!!"

"Why? What's up?"

"There are so many boys here!! It's scary!! Their so tall and their are literally no girls here and I'm scared!!"

"Yachi-chan it's okay, I won't let them touch you!!"

"It's not me i'm worry about!! It's you!!!"

I smiled at Yachi's concern for me and gave her a hug. She returned it but still looked a bit nervous.

"Yachi-chan it's okay, I won't let anything happen. And plus, Nishinoya-Senpai and Tanaka-Senpai are looking out for me."

I smiled and nodded at the boys, who were watching over us. They smiled at me and blushed a bit before turning away.

"Your right. If you have them looking after you, no one will get anywhere near you!!"

We laughed and walked back to the team, who were setting up to begin a match.


I turned around to see Kageyama looking it me. I tilted my head to the side and looked at him. He looked nervous and his cheeks were slightly red. What was up?

"Yes Kageyama-kun? Are you okay??"

"Yeah I'm fine!! I just wanted to ask if you could help me by spiking my tosses?"

"Sure!! I'll get changed quickly but I'll be right back!!"

He nodded and I grabbed my bad and walk to the toilet. I changed into my black shorts and sports bra, and stuff my clothes into my bag. I walked out back into the gym and tap on Kageyama's shoulder.

"Are you ready?"


I smile at him lightly but wondered why his response was like that. I shrugged and walked to the court, and wait for Kageyama to get ready.


I turned around to see Yachi running towards me. Her face was bright red and she looked afraid.

"Yes, Yachi-chan??"


I looked down and realised why Kageyama had probably been nervous. It was normal for me to wear this at Nekoma, but maybe most boys aren't used to this.

"It's okay Yachi-chan, this is what I wear generally when I play Volleyball!!"

I gave her a reassuring smile and she seemed to calm down a little.

"Okay, but be careful!!"

She waved at me and went down to sit at a bench. I walked over to Kageyama and smiled.

"Are you ready to practise?"

He nodded, seeming more composed than he was earlier and I relaxed. I went to the court and he got into position. He tossed the ball and I was able to calculate where it would be best to spike it.

I raced foward leaving my arms to trail behind me, and sprung into the air. The ball and my hand made contact and I heard a smack, before I landed, stumbling, so I landed rolling, to make it easier to get up.

I yawned and scratched my eyes. It seems like my body wasn't properly awake, so I wasn't as powerful and as fast as usual. I turned to Kageyama, ready to get another toss, but he was just looking at me, gormless.

That's when I realised that the whole room was silent. Everyone was looking at me, and I felt really akward. Suddenly a boy with wierd black and white dyed hair ran up to me.

"That was SO COOL!!!!!! How did you do that!!!! Oh, I'm Botuko!! 4th best Ace in Japan. Nice to meet you!!!"

I smiled at his enthusiasm and held out my hand.

"Shiraishi Miuna, former best Volleyball player in Japan, nice to meet you."

His eyes widened and I couldn't help but giggle a little. A hadn't told the boys because they might be intimidated by me, but I accidentally said it out loud, and they had heard too. Dammit, I wanted to get to act remotely normal for a little longer.


Botuko and the boys from Karasuno shouted in unison. I laughed nervously a determined rubbed the back of my head with my hand.

"I didn't wanna tell you guys because you might have thought of me differently...."

I was then suprised because Hinata ran up to me and grabbed my wrists.


I smiled at Hinata and he returned it. He really was a kind person. Loud, but kind. The boys took it in and laughed but said that they understood why I didn't say anything. The matches were over, so I helped with Yachi to make dinner.

Later I grabbed my stuff and took it to my room. Hinata and Kageyama were in there. I nearly began screaming at them, but the I realised something.

Me and Yachi had to share a room with the 1st year boys....

Yachi walked in and then gave out a small moan. It seems like she had forgotten about the arrangements too.


Me and Yachi went to get changed into our pyjamas in the toilet, and when we returned Kei and Yamaguchi were also there. But. They. Were. All. Topless....?....!

Me and Yachi stood there, frozen in shock.

Great, this was going to be interesting....Not!!!

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