A Well Deserved Barbecue|(12)|

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Shiraishi Pov

I rolled over and rubbed my eyes, and knocked my head on the wall.


I whispered loudly and rubbed my hand on my head. Then I felt a warm stroke on my head.

"Are you okay?"

I rolled over to see Kei leaning against me. He was smiling, but was also blushing deeply.

"I think so, I just knocked my head a little."

He gave out a sigh of relief and stroked my face. I could feel that I was red, and I could see that he was too. It's sweet that he does this though, even if it does embarrass him.

I smiled and held his hand, his blush deepened. I really love his face like that, and his smile.



"Smile more often. You send my heart into flutters when you do. But I love it when you smile."

"I - I, okay....I'll smile more often. But just because it's for you."

He ducks and covers his face. I brush his hair out of the way and he looks back at me.



"Can I ask you something,"


"Well....don't leave me....okay?"

My face was burning but I wanted to tell him.

"I won't, ever.

I smiled and him and hugged him. He let out a small laugh and tickled me. I squealed and began squirming, but he had a firm grip on me. He began to laugh at my reaction an and I stopped him by kissing him.

His eyes widened and I giggled a bit. He wrapped his arms around me and deepened the kiss. When we pulled apart from each other he entwined my fingers with his.

"Hey Miuna?"


"Wanna go on a walk together?"


I smiled and he walked out of the room to let me change. I put on a white skirt and a mint green loose shirt. I put on my white trainers and braided my hair neatly. I opened the door and saw that he had changed too.

Kei was now wearing black jeans and a grey hoodie. I blushed to myself. Damn. He looked really cute.


He turned to face me and looked like he was going to talk, but then stood there, silent.



"Kei what's wrong!?"

"Nothing....you just look so beautiful...."

I smiled at him and he blushed.

"Thank you!!"

I took his hand and felt him tense, but then he calmed himself down and relaxed.

"Let's go!!"


Going on the walk with Kei was amazing. He held hands the entire time, and he walked through parks, smiling and gazing into each others eyes.

When we got back, everyone looked more excited.

"Hey guys what's up?"

I call out to Hinata and he runs up to me and Tsukishima.


I smiled at Hinata's enthusiasm. They deserved a treat after all the effort that they have been through this week.


"I KNOW!!!"

I giggled and gave Kei a kiss on the cheek, before going to find Yachi. She was on one of the tables and beamed at me when she saw me.

"Hey Miuna-chan!!!"

Hey Yachi-chan!!"

I sat down beside he and she gave me a sly smile.

"How have things been going with Tsukishima?"

I smiled and blushed a little. I k we that Yachi would be curious and ask me some point, but I don't mind. We're really close, so I don't mind telling her about it.


"So....where we're you earlier?"

I blushed a little and giggled.

"We....went on a walk together. It was so amazing Yachi-chan!!!!"

She smiled and me and gave me a big hug.

"Well, he better treat you well, or else he will have me to mess with!!"

I giggled and hugged her back.

"Love you Yachi-chan!!"

"Me too Miuna-chan!!"


The boys were attacking the meat on the Barbecue. I laughed and me and Yachi watched them. They were fighting for the meat like it was the Hunger Games.

Me Kei and Yachi were sitting on the side. Kei had a normal plate of food, and so did Yachi. I had a LOT more food than them, but it was still nothing compared to the other boys.

I laughed as I saw Hinata and Kageyama fight over a tiny piece of meat, which truly wasn't worth the fight they were having for it.

I laughed to myself.

Boys are such a mystery....XD

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