An Oikawa|(10)|

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Shiraishi Pov

I looked at the excited brunette and let out a small sigh to myself. I would not be able to get away from this one.

"Shiraishi....Miuna. My name is Shiraishi Miuna."

"Ahhh Miuna-chan!!!! That's such a lovely name!!!"

I nodded a little and turned to Botuko, ready to continue practise. But this Oikawa guy was not ready to leave me alone yet....sadly.

"MIUNA-CHAN!!!! I wanna practise with you too!!!!"

"I'm practising with Botuko, Oikawa-Senpai. So not right now."

"Ohhh Miuna-chan!!!!! So cold!!!"

He began acting faint, and quite frankly, it pissed me off. I hated guys like him, who knew of their looks, and tried to get whatever they wanted with it. I scoffed slightly, and looked at Botuko apologetically.

"It seems that due to an unwanted visitor, we will have to practise another time. Bye Botuko-senpai."

I bowed and started to walk away. But Oikawa walked up to me, and grabbed onto one of my wrists. I tried to pull it off, but his grip was firm.

"What do you want?"

"I want your number Miuna-chan!!"

"She's not giving you her number."

I turned around to see Kei next to me. He told Oikawa's hand of my wrist, and wrapped his arms around my waist. Thanks god, I was getting worried of what might have happened it Kei didn't get there in time.

"Who are you to say that!?"

Oikawa demanded,trying to size up Kei, which was quite funny seeing as he was shorter than him.

"Her boyfriend."

Oikawa's eyes widened and he glared at him.

"Yeah right! Someone like her is was too good for you. She's better suited to me than you!"

I let go of Kei and stand in between them.

"Back off!! Kei Is a much better person than you!! I love him!"

His eyes widened at the last bit, and I smiled at Kei. I turned to Oikawa and glared. He frowned and murmured something to himself, and walked off. Kei slowly took hold of my hand and smiled at me.

"Do you mean what you said?"

I smiled at him and hugged him.

"Of course I do, baka."

"It's Kei to you Miuna."

I flushed, but before I could say anything, he leaned foward and kissed me. When we parted, he held my hand again, and we walked back to the room we had to stay in. Dinner was later,so we had some free time together, which I personally think that we both needed.

We sat down on his bed and listened to music together with our headphones,his arms wrapped around me protectively. Soon after, we both fell asleep, and when the boys came to find us for dinner, decided to have another photo shoot. Again.

I'm so happy that Kei feels the same way about me the way I feel about him. I don't care about what Oikawa said, Kei is perfect to me.

Any nothing people say can change the way I feel about him. He is my knight in shining armour, and when I'm with him, I feel like a Princess.

Hey guys!!

Sorry this part is shorter than the others!!!!

I have had TONS of homework to do DX

And I thought that this would be a cool way to leave it for tomorrow!!!

I promise that I will make tomorrow's chapter even lo get than usual to make up!!

I hope you understand and thank you for readying!!! 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖



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