Is There Something On My Face?|(2)|

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Shiraishi's Pov

I sat down and pulled out my bento. I was about to eat my lunch alone when Yachi walked up to my desk.

"Hey Shira-san!"

"Hey Yachi-san what's up?"

"Well...since I know you know a lot about Volleyball I wanted to know if you wanted to come to practise today with me!!"

I smiled at Yachi happily, this was better than eating lunch by myself. I nodded enthusiastically at her and packed up my bento. We walked together to the gym. When we were getting closer I could hear the sound of shoes squeaking against the floor. A sound that I used to hear so much.

3rd Person Pov

The boys saw Yachi enter the gym, with a beautiful girl behind her. The girl was shuffling akward by Yachi's side and was looking at the floor. Daichi was the first person to notice, and walked up to the girls with an inviting smile plastered on his face.
"Hey Yachi-chan, Who is this you have brought with you today?"

He could see the other girl stiffening, but then slowly went back to normal.

"This is Shira-chan, she transfered here today and had experience helping the Nekoma team."

Miuna smiled at Daichi, and felt more relaxed. He was a good person, she thought to herself.

"Really! Wow, that would help us out a lot if you could show us a few things." He laughed and rubbed the back of his head with a smile.

The other boys had noticed the new visitors and paused the game, looking at them in wonder. Suddenly two of he boys sprung up and sprinted to the girls, only to bow down and start worshipping Miuna, whose face was flushed red, and didn't know what to do.


Daichi's face suddenly went scary and Miuna nearly fainted. She slowly grabbed Yachi and hid behind her, despite her being taller.

A short boy with a mess of ginger hair ran up to her and pointed at her dramatically.


Miuna looked confused but then let out a small giggle, to Nishinoya and Tanaka's delight.

"Ano....i'm 176.8cm"

The boys eyes nearly popped out. He dramatically threw himself to the floor.

"IM SO SHORT WHY!!!!!!!"

A boy walked up to him and pulled him up by his hair. Even though he looked a bit scary she couldn't help but to laugh out load.

"Get up DUMBASS you might make her embarrassed!"

I gave a small smile at the boy and he blushed and turned away.

"Thanks for the concern, but I know my hights weird, and I'm used to it now."

The boys looked at her smiling and suddenly realised how beautiful she was. They hadn't noticed before because she was hiding behind Yachi.

Nishinoya and Tanaka ran up to her and bowed.

"Nice to meet you Shira-chan!!! You can call us Nishinoya-Senpai and Tanaka-Senpai!!!"

Miuna gave them a nice smile and the boys fell to their knees, clasping each other.

"It's okay, everyone here can call me Miuna if you want to. You guys all seem nice, so I don't mind."

A boy with grey hair and a warm smile walked up to her.

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