Meeting His Family P3|(21)|

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Tsukishima Pov

I yawned and opened my eyes. Sunlight was streaming through the gaps of my curtains. I looked at the clock.


Slowly, I look down at Miuna. Her arms were wrapped around me, and her head nestled into my chest. I smiled to myself and stroked her head.


She yawned, and opened her eyes slowly.


"It's 8:00am already, wanna get ready?"

She yawned and then let out a sigh.

"Okay...i'm really tired."

She yawned again and I laughed at her.



"Laugh more."


"You look really cute when you laugh. It suits you."

I knew she was half asleep, and probably wasn't 100% awake, because if she was, I doubt that she would say something like that. She smiled at me and murmured sleepily.

"Wanna get ready now?"


I stayed in my room, and Miuna went to my mums. She said that Miuna could borrow some clothes for today.

Shiraishi Pov

Kei's mum leaded us into her room and smiled at me.

"Your going to look so beautiful when I'm done with you!!" She squealed excitedly.

She pulled open her wardrobe and revealed a bunch of beautiful dresses. My eyes widened as I saw them. THEY WERE BEAUTIFUL!!!! There were sunset coloured dresses, deep blue ones, and a calm purple one.

She took out the sunset dress, and held it against me.

"Miuna this would look lovely on you!!"

"Really, Okãsan?"


I smiled at her enthusiasm and changed into the dress. It was tight enough to show my curves, but not too tight. It felt just right and I loved the material.

When Kei's mum saw me she gasped and smiled widely.

"Miuna!!! You look beautifu!!!"


"Of course!! Now, key me do your makeup!!!"

She took me to a dressing table and began to apply makeup to my face. She took her time, and seemed to really be enjoying herself, with I loved.

I felt like she was treating me as her daughter in law already. She loved having a girl in the house, I'm guessing. After all, she does have two sons in the house.

Finally she stood back and looked at me.

"Stand up, Miuna!!! I want to get a better look at you!!"


She smiled widely and gave me a warm hug.

"Miuna you look beautiful!!"


"Yes!!! Look in the mirror!!!"

She ushered my to her full length mirror, and that's when I got a first glimpseof myself.

When I Met Her:Haikyuu X Tsukishima KeiWhere stories live. Discover now