Knight In Shining Armour|(11)|

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Tsukishima Pov

"Hey....Kei? Wake up."

I felt a soft stroke on my cheek and I opened my eyes a little. Miuna Was's leaning towards me, smiling and stroking my cheek delicately. I pretended I was still asleep, and when she tried to stroke me, I held her hand.

"Good morning."

"It's not morning, it's time to go get dinner, we fell asleep."

I scratched my head and she giggled a little. I loved her laugh, the way it makes her look, and she shiver that I get every time I hear it. She is literally perfect, in every single way.

"Quick Kei!! Hinata and Kageyama might eat it all if we're slow!!"

She grabbed my arms and helped to lift me up. When I got up she gave me a hug and a quick peck on the lips, which I was not prepared for.

I blushed and covered my face, but she grabbed my arms and looked into my eyes.

"I love you Tsukishima Kei, and there is no need to be embarrassed by that."

I stood there in shock and Miuna winked at me.

"Well, I'm going now so if you want to actually have food to eat, let's go!!"

I laughed a little and she took my hand. I loved it just being us two, and wouldn't mind skipping dinner to be with her.

3rd Person Pov

Miuna and Tsukishima walked into the room, and could hear wolf whistles immediately. They wondered why, then realising their fingers were interlocking with each others.

"I'm going to go get Yachi, want to sit with us?"

"Maybe in a bit, but I'm going to sit with Yamaguchi for now."

She smiled and gave him a quick hug, before turning away to find Yachi. Kei smiled to himself and went to see Yamaguchi. But before he could start the search, he was interupted by Botuko calling his name.

"Tsukishima-chan!!!! Can I ask you something!?"

"Okay. What is it?"

"Are you and Miuna-chan going out?"


"Well....I just wanna did you get someone like her??"

"Beats me. I guess she sees something in me even I can't see."

"Oh....okay. Thanks!! See ya later!!"

Botuko ran off and Kei continued to look for Yamaguchi. He eventually found him sitting with Hinata and Kageyama, who were scoffing food like it was the end of the world.

"Hey Tsukki-chan!! Where were you?"

"Sorry, I fell asleep and Miuna had to wake me up."


Kei could hear snickering from Kageyama, but Hinata was too absorbed into his food to notice that Kei was even there. Kei gave Kageyama a glare, and he shut up.

"Do you have a problem?"

"It's....not important."

Kei sighed and sat down to start eating.

Timeskip (20 minutes)


Kei turned around to see Miuna running towards him. She jumped up and he caught her in his arms. She gave him a huge hug, and kissed his forehead. Then they heard a cough, to see the akward looking Yamaguchi.

"S-sorry Yama-chan!!!"

Her face was bright red, and she was looking at the floor.

"It's okay Miuna-chan, just give warning next time!"

He smiled and she returned it, and then turned to look at Kei.

"I'm going to go to bed now, have an early night. Love you!!"

Miuna smiled at Kei and he smiled back.

"Love you too."

He ruffled her hair and she gave him a quick hug, before walking out of the room. Hinata had finally realised realised that Kei was there. And was giggling uncontrollably.


"Tsukishima!! You just said I love you to Miuna-chan!!"

His face went red and Hinata laughed at him.

"So what, dumbass!!"

Shiraishi Pov

I walked upstairs and entered the room I was sleeping in. I sat on the bed and pulled out my prescription pills, and swallowed 2 with water. I then stretched my legs out and pulled down my socks.

My legs were red and purple in some areas, and fine on others. I poked a purple area and winced at the pain. I sighed and pulled my socks back up.

I had strained a few of my muscles with playing Volleyball, so I needed to calm down and let it heal before I played again. I let out a small sigh and murmured to myself.

"How come my body can never fully achieve what I want to do?"

I yawned and rubbed my eyes gently. That's when I turned and noticed Kei at the doorway. His face was concerned, but also with a hint of anger.

"How much of that did you see?"


He walked over and slowly pulled down my socks, and gasped at what he saw.

"What happened!?"

"I think I just strained a few of my muscles in practise, it's no big deal, don'tworry about it."

"Don't worry!? Of course I will be worried! Your in pain!!!"

He smiled at each and clasped my hands.

"Tell me when you are hurting Miuna. I'll always be here for you, so don't keep it from me."

"Okay Kei, I will."

He smiled at me and wrapped his arms around me, being careful about my legs. He looked at he and gave me a huge smile.

"I love you Shiraishi Miuna, you are amazing, perfect. It is a wonder to me that you like a person like me, but thank you."

I smiled and turned my head to the side.

"I should be the one saying that!"


Hey guys!!!

I hope you are enjoying the story so far!!

It means a lot to me that you are reading it!!!

Thank you!!!

-Jess ♡


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