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Shiraishi Pov

I talked to Yachi and she said she would sit with Yamaguchi on the way back, so I could be with Kei. I smiled at the thought of that, getting to be with Kei for hours, talking and getting to know each other more than we already do.

"Thanks Yachi-chan!!"

"It's okay Miuna-chan!!"

I smiled and she and Yamaguchi walked into the bus to get seats. Yamaguchi didn't mind sitting with Yachi, from what I saw, they were both very pleased, but were trying to be subtle about it.

I found Kei and gave him a smile.

"It seems that we will be sitting together."

He rolled his eyes and I giggled at him. Finally he smiled and took my hand. We were sitting in one of the middle rows of the bus. He let me take the window seat, and sat down next to me.

Carefully, I got out my headphones and turned my phone on. I put on my favourite classical music and turned it on. I gave Kei one of the headphones and we sat there, my head on his shoulders, listening to music.

I don't know how long we were driving for, but my eyelids grew heavy and I felt like I was going to fall asleep. I wrapped my arms around Kei and gave out a small sigh of happiness, before falling asleep.

I didn't even realise that anyone else was there until the bus began to move. I relaxed and felt Kei but his arm around my shoulder, and I smiled briefly to myself. Then slowly, with no control whatsoever, sleep welcomed me.

Tsukishima Pov

Miuna had become limp, and I look down to see her sound asleep, with her arms wrapped around me, so she's pretty much on top of me. I blushed a little, but then calmed myself down, and smiled at her.

I love seeing her asleep, how vulnerable yet beautiful she looks when there is no sadness, happiness, or any emotion on her face. When she is like this, I just see, her. Not who or what she wants to be seen as. I closed my eyes and tilted my head onto hers, and slightly lifted her up, so she was now basically on my lap.

Despite all of that, she was still fast asleep, with no sign of waking up anytime soon. I wrapped my arms around her, and hers were still around me.

Even though I wanted to look at her longer, I could feel that I was going to fall asleep. And two minutes later, that became reality.

3rd Person Pov

Tsukishima and Miuna were fast asleep, wrapped together by their arms. Though they were both asleep, faint smiles were traced across their faces.

When everyone first noticed there were mixed reactions. Hinata giggled a bit and Kageyama took a photo. Tanaka and Nishinoya were wallowing over the loss of their 'Precious' Miuna. Daichi and Sugawara were smiling like proud parents, and Yachi and Yamaguchi were mentally dancing due to their success of bringing the two closer together than before.

Little did they know, Miuna and Tsukishima had woken up, and we're just smiling and hugging, listening to the reactions of their team mates.

Great minds think alike?....


Shiraishi Pov

When me and Kei got up, he insisted on walking me home. Which I didn't mind as that would mean that I would get to spend more time with him.

We were happily walking home when my phone went off, and I answered.

"Hey Okãsan!!!"

"Miuna!! How are you sweetie!! How way the trip?"

Kei was next to me, trying to listen.

"Who is that Miuna??"

"My Mum!"

I went bright red but nodded and felt relieved.

"Miuna, whose with you?"

I took a big gulp of air and sighed.

"Ano....that's Kei....Tsukishima Kei.'

"Oh!!!! Is he your boyfriend!!!"


"So he is!! Put him on the phone Miuna!!!"

I moaned but passed the phone to Kei.

"She wants to talk to you"

Kei took the phone and began to talk, but with no apparent confidence.

"H-hello Mrs Shiraishi-san!! I wanted to formally ask you permission to date your daughter. I-I and Tsukishima Kei!!"

I could hear my mother's laughter from the phone, and a small smile grew on my face.

"Nice to meet you Kei-chan!!! Leave the introductions for now!! I will get Miuna to introduce us when you arrive!! Oh! And stay for dinner!! I want to see if your good enough for my daughter."

The last part was said seriously, in contrast to everything else she had said. Kei's face paled and I let out a small giggle.

"Don't worry, that last bit was what my mother calls a joke."

He gave me a reassuring smile.

"So....i'm being introduced as the official boyfriend?"

"Why yes. Yes you are."

We smiled and held hands, mentally preparing ourselves for the upcoming events.

Time to meet the parents....

When I Met Her:Haikyuu X Tsukishima KeiWhere stories live. Discover now