Keeping Distance|(4)|

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Shiraishi Pov

Tsukishima hadn't spoken to me since what he said outside the gym. He was so confusing. I had to deal with the pressure of a confession on my first day, and then deal with denial after I thought about possible feelings for him. Well, it's his loss anyway.

My teacher was reading a section of a textbook for us, but it was boring so I wasn't paying much attention to it. I tilted my head slightly to look at Tsukishima. He was looking out the window, but his ears went red, so I think he noticed me staring. Not that I care. It was his choice to say what he did to me.


Class ended and I went to find Yachi so we could go help out at practice for the team. Who cares if he was going to be there.


I turned around to see Yachi running towards me.

"We need to get to the gym quick, apparently there's gonna be an important announcement!"

She grabbed my hand and sprinted to the gym, dragging me behind. When we got there everyone was already there so we sat down on a bench and looked up at Coach Ukai.

3rd Person Pov

As everyone entered they sat of the floor, except for Yachi Miuna and Shimizu, who sat of a bench.

"Okay everyone! We all know that we have a very important tournament soon, and that we need as much practise as we can get!"

"YES!!" The boys responded, nearly knocking me off the bench with its sheer volume.

"Well, it's been decided that a training camp will be held on the first week of the holiday to help us prepare, and other schools will be participating with us in practise matches as well."

"Will Nekoma be there!?" Hinata squealed.

"Yes they will be, but there will be other schools like Aoba Jousai and Fukurodani that will be there as well. This is our chance to get used to their game play, and to learn how to win against it! But the only request is to not to fail any tests, or else you can't go to Tokyo and have to take the make up tests."

The excited Hinata looked like he was going to faint. Kageyama was looking at the ground, his fists clenched and was muttering under his breath. Their Senpai's Tanaka and Nishinoya, we're trying to desperately run to freedom out of the gym, but we're caught.

"We're gonna need you guys there, so study hard!"

Coach Ukai gave them a reassuring smile, but it had the opposite effect on the boys, who wailed and sank to the ground.

Miuna gave out a small giggle and the boys looked at her.

"Miuna-chan, what are your results like?" Hinata cocked his head.

Oh....I'm always top in my year...."


Miuna jumped at the sudden shout, and turned to see who said it.

Tsukishima Pov

I couldn't help myself but shout at her response. First in the whole year!! She is just sounding more and more perfect, and it pisses me off. The best I've got was 3rd, and she's a regular 1st. Dammit.


I looked up a direct realised that I had actually spoken. Miuna was looking at me, with a look of confusion, but I could also see that she was sad. Maybe I had been a bit to harsh on her, but I couldn't take it back now, even if I wanted to, she probably hated me.

When I Met Her:Haikyuu X Tsukishima KeiWhere stories live. Discover now