My First Confession|(3)|

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Shiraishi Pov

I yawned and rolled over on my bed, and crashed to the ground too late before I realised no bed was there. My head hit my desk and I cried out and collapsed into a heap on the floor. I finally picked myself up and looked at the clock on my desk.


I let out a wail, but begrudgingly got up and began to get ready for school. Yachi did ask me to show up earlier today so I could help out with practise, but now the time came, all I wanted to do was crawl back into bed and sleep.

As I began to get ready for school, I heard the doorbell go off and went to answer it before anyone else in the household woke up. When I cracked the door open, a smiling face of happiness and blonde hair came into my view.

"Yachi-chan!!! What are you doing here??"

"I hoped you would take up on the offer of coming to practise with me early!!! And your up!"

Yachi's smile was warming, and instantly I felt myself smile and let her in. I quickly set the toaster on and ran upstairs to change into my uniform. When I got downstairs Yachi had found the butter and was spreading two slices of toast with it. She handed one to me and smiled.

After I grabbed my things we got to the door, and started walking to school. The air was cold and frost desperately tried to stay attached to objects.

"Neh, Miuna-chan, what work did you do with Nekoma?"

"Hmm, well I helped out the boys team whenever they needed help, and I was a spiker for the girls team."

Yachi's eyes widened and her face soon became full of excitement.

"Oh my god to cool!!! That's what Hinata does!!! How good are you at it!!"

I laughed at her, and smiled back in response.

"We did okay I guess, we won Nationals in my old middle school team but some girls in Nekoma don't take it seriously at all."

We were so deep into talking that we hadn't realised that they had already arrived at the school. We soon heard the squeaks of shoes against floor in the gym. So we hurried and went to get changed, and returned 10 minutes later chatting.

I noticed that the setter doing tosses to Hinata, and my smile widely opened. I put my shoes on, turned and smirked at Yachi with a determined face.

"Watch this!"

Before she could respond I sprinted towards the gym, my arms trailing behind me, my face full of concentration. The setter tossed a ball, and by my calculations Hinata was gonna miss it anyway, so why not?

I ran towards the ball and leaped into the air, having to do a simple front flip to keep myself from falling down after. The ball hit right where I wanted it to hit, and I smirked, bowed at the tosser,and went to sit down.

They were still all standing there in shock, especially the setter, who hadn't moved an inch. I got out a book from my bag and sat down, beginning to read it.


Hinata ran up to me and grabbed my wrists.


This was kinda funny, I have to admit. I stood up and looked down at him.

"It's exactly what it looked like, I spiked it."

3rd Person Pov

Miuna looked at the short boy with a look of confusion. It was obvious to her, but she didn't realise how amazing it was to the boys.

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