The Best |(8)|

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Shiraishi Pov


I couldn't get to sleep so far, but the boys seemed to have no trouble at all, and we're snoring away. They didn't seem to care that we were in the room with them, they just wanted to sleep. Yachi was asleep somehow, I have no idea seeing how nervous she was before.

I was wrapped up in my blanket, and shivered, still cold and wide awake. The room was dark, so I slowly got up and walked to the curtains. I drew them back and it revealed the sky, full of stars, and a bright full moon looking back at me.

I smiled and leaned against the wall, my arms crossed, looking at the sky. It's so beautiful, and since there are not so many lights here, it's easier to see the stars in the sky.

I could hear quiet snoring from Yamaguchi and I chuckled to myself a little.

"What's so funny?"

I heard a murmur and turned around. Kei was awake and leaning against the floor to prop himself up. He yawned and it was clear by seeing how tired he was, that he had just woken up.

"Sorry! Did I wake you"

I whispered loudly. I know how bad I feel when I wake up so he has an excuse to be annoyed at me.

"Hey, it's okay don't worry about it."

I smiled at his reaction, but I don't think he saw me. After a moment he looked up at me again.

"Seeing as we probably won't get to sleep anytime soon, wanna chat?"

I gave him a huge smile, and this time I could tell that he could see. I sat myself next to him and got comfortable.

"So....why didn't you tell anyone that you were top player in the country??"

"Well, I guess I didn't want people to be intimidated by me by the fact that I was. I just wanted to be seen as average, and have less attention on me."

"I get that, I hate having attention on me."

I smiled at his understanding and shivered, remembering I only had a thin tank top and shorts on. It was freezing.

"Are you okay? Cold? If it's fine with could share my duvet with me....but only if you fine with it."

I looked at him to see if he looked serious, and he did.

"Really! Yes please!"

He lifted the duvet and, though blushing slightly, I shifted closer to him, and ended up leaning against him under the duvet.

"Woad, you really are cold! Are you okay?"

"Yeah I feel a lot better thanks!

"That's good."

I could see him blushing slightly and he was acting like he wanted to say something.

"Is there something you want to say?"

"Well its okay, it doesn't matter. "

I looked at him, and could tell that he did still want to say it to me, but felt nervous.

"It's okay, you can ask me, it's fine."

He looked at me.



"Okay, well....why aren't you going out with someone. I mean your beautiful and smart and kind, so....I would have thought that there would be someone."

He seemed relieved to finally get that off his chest.

"Oh....that. well I guess I'm not really experienced in that kind of thing. I've never had a boyfriend before, and I guess I'm kinda scared to....what about you? You seem like someone who should have a why don't you?"

He smiled a bit at my last comment, and I could feel me face getting red. I hope he couldn't see that.

"Well, I've never really been interested in girls before, but there is this girl I'm crazy about."

"Really! Who is she?"

Tsukishima Pov

I smiled at her and leaned foward. I could see her face getting redder, but I still carried on. I waited until I was a few inches away from her, and lightly kissed her forehead.


I said simply, and nearly laughed to myself at her reaction. Her eyes widened and she looked down at the ground, her face blushing deeply. After a few minutes she looked up again.


I smiled at her.

"Yes. Really."

Her face lit up, and it send shivers down my spine. She really doesn't realise the effect that she had on me, does she? I was just about to start talking again when she threw her arms around my shoulders, causing me to fall over, and Miuna landed on top of my chest.

She blushed, and smiled at me. I could feel my heart beating faster and faster.

"Sorry. I-I got really excited when you said what you did."

I smiled at her and wrapped my arms around her, pulling her into a hug. Miuna smiled and nestled against my chest. She was smaller than me, but still pretty tall for a girl, and I liked that.

"It's okay."

I looked down at her and blushed. She was so close, making contact with me. I leaned in slowly, waiting to see if she would pull away, but she stayed where she was, looking into my eyes.

I leaned foward and out lips touched. My arms wrapped around her waist, and hers still around my shoulders. We slowly moved back and looked at each other, smiling.

The kiss didn't last long, but it was perfect. That should have been our first kiss.

We didn't talk after that, just hugged, and soon, I could see that Miuna had fallen asleep. I wrapped my arms around her closer, and fell into the best sleep I've ever had.


Shiraishi Pov

I woke up to feel arms around me. Oh, that's right, I remembered. It was Kei. I smiled and wrapped my arms around him tighter. That's when I heard a laugh, and the sound of a photo being taken.

I rubbed my eyes and opened them. I was lying across Kei, my arms around his shoulders and his arms around my waist. He yawned and opened his eyes too. That's when we noticed the boys and Yachi.

Yachi was in the corner of the room, a look of shock and horror across her face. Hinata was giggling, and Yamaguchi and Kageyama were taking pictures of us.

Kei sat up and pulled me onto his lap. I blushed deeply but kept silent.


He said to the boys, and they were shocked by his calmness.

Well....things just got interesting....

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