Meeting The Parents |(14)|

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Shiraishi Pov

I paced back and forth in my room. Kei was going to meet me in the park so I could talk to him before he met my parents. I decided to put on some more girly clothes for once.

I put on a white dress that flowed down my body yet still showed some curves, which I have to admit, I liked. I finished the look with white wedged heel sandals, light makeup and tying my hair into a high ponytail.

I looked into the mirror and smiled. Okay, I look fine.

"Okãsan!!!! I'm going to go get Kei!!! I'll be back soon!!!"

I called up the stairs to my mum.

"Okay sweetie!!! Be back soon!!!"

I hummed to myself as I walked down the road to the park. When I got there Kei was already waiting. He hadn't seen me yet, so I crept up behind him and wrapped my arms around him.


Kei jumped and spun around. He smiled when he saw me and leaned down and kissed me lightly on the lips. He pulled back and hugged me. He looked a bit nervous.

"You okay??"

" Just nervous I guess."

I smiled at him and held his hand.

"Don't worry, I'm here too!"

We walked down the road and I hummed to myself.

"What's that song?"


"The one you were humming."

"Eh!? You heard that!?"

"You do realise you weren't being quiet right?"

"Oh!! And the song it called sun on the meadows, my mum always used to sing it to me when I was younger."

He smiled and then stopped walking. I turn around and look confused.

"This is you house, isn't it?"

I turn and realise that we were already at my house. My heart raced and I took a deep breath.

"Are you sure you're ready for this?"

"As ready as I'll ever be."

I smiled and Kei and held his hand. I got my keys out and opened the door, and walked in. We took off our shoes and I called up the stairs

"Okãsan!! We're back!!!"

My Mum walked quickly down the stairs and looked at Kei in the eye. He circled him, talking in all of his features, and noticed that we were holding hands. She smiled briefly and spoke.

"He seems nervous Miuna, but I'm happy that he shows affection to you even in front of me."

I smiled and Kei relaxed a little. She looked up at him and frowned.

"How tall are you Kei?"

"188cm Mrs Shiraishi."

"What!? What year are you Kei!?"

"I'm a first year like Miuna, Mrs Shiraishi."

Mum smiled a bit and I couldn't help but laugh. Kei looked at me confused but then smiled. Mum relaxed and gave a beaming smile.

"Sorry about that Kei!! I just wanted to see if you were good enough for my daughter that you would be polite to me. You pass!! And don't be formal, call me Okãsan!!!"


I blushed fiercely but Kei laughed at me. Me squeezed my hand a little, and I looked up at him, smiling.

"I'm Tsukishima Kei. Sorry for not giving my introduction earlier, but I know I should do it. I am a first year at Karasuno with Miuna, I am a middle blocker on the Volleyball team and I am deeply in love with your daughter. Please accept my request of dating her!"

Mum laughed and gave him a hug, to his suprise. She was like me, she liked to hug all the time.

"I have Kei don't worry!! And remember, call me Okãsan!!!"

Kei laughed a little and smiled.


Mum jumped up and down in victory and cheered.

"Miuna!!! He called me Okãsan!!!! He's like a member of the family already!! He's a keeper, don't let him go!!."

I smiled at her and looked at Kei.

"I don't plan to."


We were all sitting around the table. Dad had just arrived and we were about to eat dinner. Mum brought out plate after plate of sushi, the table was full.

"Okãsan!! There is so much!!"

"Sorry Miuna!! I got so excited about Kei coming over, that I went a bit over the top with making it!!"

Kei's eyes widen in suprise.

"You made all of this!? It looks delicious!!"

Mum smiled at him and then winked at me. She seemed to like him, which was great. Dad was as quiet as ever, but I could tell that he liked Kei also.

I'm so happy that they like him, Kei means so much to me, and so do they, so it would kill me if they didn't get along well with w
each other.

When we finished dinner, my mm clapped her hands. Crap, I though, she has an 'Idea'.


"Yes, Okãsan??"

"I have just had a great idea!! You should stay over tonight!! Then all of us could go out somewhere tomorrow so we can get to know you better."

To my shock Dad nodded his head, and my mum was as enthusiastic as ever.

"Are you sure?"

Kei's eyes widened,but then he smiled.

"Only if Miuna is okay with it."

I smiled and nodded, and he gave me a small hug,

"Great!! That's settled then!! You two can sleep in Miuna's room tonight."

I smiled. Wait....what!?

Does my mother seriously just realise what she was saying!? She always bugged my about having kids young so she could be a younger grandmother, but what the hell!? This is ridiculous!

When I Met Her:Haikyuu X Tsukishima KeiWhere stories live. Discover now