Family Time|(16)|

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Shiraishi Pov

I woke up and felt arms around my waist. I froze. Whose there? Wait. I calmed down when I realised that it was Kei. I carefully grabbed my phone and checked the time.


I yawned and turned to look at Kei. I lifted my arm up and stroked his cheek.

"Kei? It's morning."

He yawned and stretched. His eyes opened and he smiled at me.

"Morning Beautiful."

I blushed and nudged him a little.

"Why did you say that?"

"Because I thought it."

Kei smiled at me and I laughed a little. I yawned and looked at him.

"We probably should get ready. Mum and Dad want us to go to town with them."

Kei smiled and hugged me.

"It's gonna be great getting to know the two amazing people who made you."

I blushed furiously and he ruffled my hair. I stood up and opened the door. A little pile of clothes were folded by the entrance, and a little note with the writing 'For Kei' was written on it.

I smiled and picked up the clothes, and handed them to Kei as I walked back in.

'Here are your clothes for the day, hope their okay."

He smiled and took them happily.


He got up and I began to look for clothes to change into. Finally after a small debate in my head I decided to wear my back high waisted shorts, a white and pack patterned shirt and black boots. I put on a little makeup and braided my hair again.

I soon heard a knock on the door, and Kei entered. He looked adorable. His face was a deep red and I could tell that he was still half asleep.

"Ready to get some breakfast?"

He froze for a moment, but them relaxed and smiled lightly at me.

"Yeah, sure."

We were just about to leave when he spoke up again.



" look really beautiful today...."

I smiled and kissed his cheek.

"Arigsto Kei."

We walked downstairs, and my mum was already setting the table. I gave her a small hug.

"Morning Okãsan!"

She hugged me back and laughed.

"Morning Miuna!! And morning Kei!!"

She laughed and pulled us into a group hug. Me and Kei blushed deeply and she giggled at our reaction. When she finally released us, we were bright red and embarrassed.

"Come on you two!! You need to get used to being physical!! I did say I wanted grandkids when I was young!!"


She laughed at me and Kei was bright red, and looking at the floor, fiddling with his hands.

"Kei doesn't seem to me disagreeing!!"

Kei looked up and his eyes widened.


She laughed at him and began to walk away.

"Can't wait to get to know you better Kei!!!"

I just stood there, trying to take in what had just happened. I looked up at Kei, who was bright red, but smirking slightly.

"You okay Kei??"

He took my hand and pulled me closer.

"I'm fine now."

I laughed at him and kissed his forehead slowly.

"We should probably get ready to go, knowing my parents, they will be done and ready already."

He nodded and we walked upstairs, when we got to their room, I knocked lightly on the door.

"Come in!!!"

I openedthe door to see mum and dad ready, sitting on the bed chatting.

"You guys ready Okãsa???"

"Yes!! Are you and Kei ready??"


She jumped up to her feet, and grabbed Kei's hands.

"I hope you enjoy today, and that we don't annoy you!!"

He smiled at her.

"It's okay Okãsan, you don't annoy me."

Mum beamed at Kei and turned to dad.

"We're ready to go now aren't we?"

"We're ready."


We were walking down the street, hand in hand. Mum and Dad were behind us, chatting happily. We had gone to a few shops, and decided to look for a bakery. Kei knew one he liked, so we were on ourway to get there.

When we finally arrived there, we sat down on a table, and looked at the menu. Mum and Dad ordered a cupcake each, and me and Kei shared a strawberry shortcake.

He smiled and picked a piece up with his fork. He put it towards me and smiled.

"Open wide."

I blushed and my eyes widen

"Kei, we're not the only ones here!?"

"Why not Miuna, do you not love me enough?"

He pouted and I sighed.


His face lit up and he pushed the fork towards me. I slowly ate he shortcake, my face burning bright red. I could hear my parents giggling at us, and strangers around us talking about us.

"Awww their such a cute couple!!"

"They look so cute together!!"

"She's so pretty!!!"

"I know right!! But he's hot too!!"

I sat there and looked at the ground. He put his arm around me and I leaned against him. I could hear the squeals again, but I ignored them this time. I felt like it was just me and Kei in our own little world.

And I always want it to be like that....


Hey guys!!

Thanks for reading again!!

Can't believe I've got over 300 views!?

The pace is getting quicker and it means so much to me.

I hope you guys like this story and are excited for it to be updated every day!!

-Jess-chan ♡


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