Time For a Trip|(6)|

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Shiraishi Pov

I woke up and gave a light yawn. I began to stretch but couldn't, and opened my eyes. Tsukishima's arms were wrapped around me, and his head was against my shoulder, leaning as he was asleep.


I peered at his face, and nudged his head a little. His eyes opened and he looked at me. Our faces were so close, they were nearly touching. His face was red, and I was pretty sure mine was too.

"What am I doing here?"

He yawned and wrapped his arms around me tighter.

"What time is it?"

"Hmm, about 4:30 ish."

"We should probably get ready to go before we get left behind for the trip."

I pull myself to get up, but he kept his grip tight.

"Just another minute." He murmured.


I left my hair down today, it was early, and I couldn't be asked to do i. I had packed my stuff the night before, so all I needed to do was get ready. I grew on a top and coat, and then got my headphones out and put them on too.

I walked downstairs to see Tsukishima oh the sofa, waiting patiently for me.

"Ano....do you need to get your stuff."

"It's okay, I brought it yesterday night and left it in the gym, so I'm good. I take take yours for you though, it looks heavy...."

He stopped talking when he saw me and I turned around, confused by what had made him stop talking.

"What is it?"

"Well....I didn't realise how beautiful your hair was."

I looked down and remembered that I had left it down today. I smiled at him and he went a bit red.

"Thanks! I couldn't be asked to do it today, so I left it down!"

My hair reached past my waist, and made me smile whenever I saw it.

"You....you should have your hair down more often."

I smiled at him and he akwardly looked away. I've never seen this side of Tsukishima, and it was actually really sweet.

"Hey Tsuk-"

"Y-you can call me Kei....If you want to...."

I felt my face blush a little but I looked into his eyes and smiled.

"I would really like that....Kei."

He smiled at me and before I realised what I was doing I had already wrapped my arms around his shoulders.

Tsukishima Pov

I could see Miuna getting closer to me, and was confused of what she was doing, when she wrapped her arms around my shoulders. I wrapped my arms around her waist and returned the hug back. I could see her face was flushed red, but it made me feel calmer. So she was nervous too,

When we finished our hug I smiled at her.

"Should I help you with your stuff, and then let's go?"

She beamed at me, and I felt a shiver go through my body.

"Okay! I'll be a second!"

She raced upstairs and I smiled at her sudden energy. I watched her run up the stairs and her hair bounced with each step. I didn't realise how beautiful it was because she always ties it up. But I really don't mind, she's beautiful no matter what it's like.

When I Met Her:Haikyuu X Tsukishima KeiWhere stories live. Discover now