A Change In Plan

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Hey guys....

I'm really sorry.

After a long time of not writing the sequel, I have decided to delete it.

It is not good enough to be the sequel of my first story, I am well aware.

After a long time thinking, I have decided to delete the story, and to make one again, with a different (and better) plot to it.

It will be called Blue Eyes:Haikyuu X Tsukishima Kei

Though it is not published yet, I will work on it and will put it up as soon as possible.

I hope you understand as I know you guys deserve a better sequel to the story you loved and followed with me. I think that is why I think I can write better for you, longer chapters, making this gs more interesting.

I will start as soon as possible, hope you understand.

I love you guys,

-Jess-chan ♡

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