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That's all I want to do
Without you
You're my life anymore
I feel like I did something wrong
In the texts
I want to fix it
But it was a You problem tbh
I don't know how to fix it
I don't what to say
I want to disintegrate
From all the world
Just leave me behind
Live your own life
Forget about me
Yet don't
I don't know
I just sit and cry
I did something wrong
That I can't figure out
I can't lose you
You help me not to cut
To survive
I really do want to die
I do
I can't tell people
Or I'll get sent to the counselor
Like they're any help
They make it worse
Just kill me already
Let me die quick and easy
Please no pain
I'm going to hell as it is
I don't want to lose anyone
I've lost too many already
I don't have my sisters
They were taken away
That's for another time
Don't do this to me
All I want is to fix things
Patch them up
That or just

(I know all of you are thinking this is about a boyfriend or girlfriend but I'll confirm that it isn't just to help you out)

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