
18 3 1

Tears in my hands
Tissues in the trash
Not sure where I'm going tomorrow
To my grandma's?
The one I hate
Or to my girlfriend's?
Can't go to my dad's
And my mom is going to work
I'm worried
I don't know the plan
I like knowing ahead of time
Can't sleep
It's taking over my mind
I'm scared
Of what?
I don't know
I just am
My brain is freaking out
With makes everything shake
I want to sleep
I close my eyes
But they won't stay closed
I need sleep
I've been losing it
I get too many head aches a day
My head is in a flurry
Not knowing a thing
I feel sick
I wish I wasn't a worrier
No one else in my family is
So why am I?
Shut your eyes
And fall asleep
I wish it was just that easy

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