
25 4 1

I'm falling apart
I met with my old friend
Blade once again
Just one slit
I fell on my bed
Too weak to do anything
I can't take the pressure
I can't handle it
I don't understand how people do it
Mange 20 things at a time
I can't handle 3
Too much stress to be great
Get perfect grades
Get top awards
I can't even
Remember a small bible verse
It hurts
The pain of others
Making me feel like I must shoot high
Maybe I wanna just shoot up
I want to do nothing
Have time to myself
All the time to myself
I never do homework
I never have time
Too much stress
I just wish someone who
Knew when I wasn't feeling good
I wish someone could read me
Just like a book
Someone would give me a hug
Even if I hadn't of said a word
No one will though
I just need someone that would

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