
21 3 1

I just want to be close to her
Be next to her
No one else around
Sure, many are fine with it
But I want to be alone
And close
With her
Down the trails
At the beach
Just sitting outside
Or inside
I want to be close
With her
Camping with 5 other girls
And ones a homophobe
All others are fine
But because of the homophobe
I can't be too close
I don't want to lose that one
As a friend
Just because my sexuality
But I want to hold her hand
And hold her
I will get through this trip
Without dying
Will I?
Maybe not
I want to be close
But that's hard to do
I will do my best to be
With her
No matter what
I love her and I would tell everyone
If they were excepting
But some aren't
I'll just do more later
I'll go home
Then I'll be better off
I will get to tomorrow
Then to her I'll be

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