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I don't know what to do
I don't know my way
My light has disappeared
And I've taken the wrong path
I want you back
But I can't reach you
I'm useless
I don't know what to do
Everything is a blur
I've got mixed feelings
"She's lost an amazing girl"
"She was poison anyway"
"The trash was taken out"
"But she knows so much"
"She treated me best"
"I miss her touch"
I want to talk
But I'm scared to
Scared we'll yell at each other
Scared memories will flood back
Ones form our past
But also ones from mine
What can I do?
I need answers
And I hate waiting
It kills me more every day
Getting weaker
"I can have more fun without you caring"
"One less person to worry about"
"We were nothing alike"
"I'm going to die without her"
"It hurts to not talk with her"
"I want her back"
Why was I so stupid
I couldn't see the consequences
I was pissed in the moment
I was hurt more like it
You know some of my past
And I can't lose someone who knows that
I need you back
I need you to help me
I can't fight alone
We need each other
"How stupid can I be"
"What gave me the idea"
"But why did you do it?"
"Does she want to talk?"
"Does she want me gone forever?"
"Has she forgotten me now?"
God damnit
I miss you
I never though I'd say it
In this context
I hate not talking
I want you back
I'm willing to move forward
And forget what I caused
Please talk with me
I'm want to communicate
Without you
The only thing that I am
The thing I was scared to be is

Please talk to me.

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