Elizabeth {Chapter Four}

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soooo I decided to work on Elizabeth a little more today. I was feeling it, lol x)

so, here is chapter four of Elizabeth :)

I really hope you like it!

Chapter Four

It was around two a.m. when I finally checked the time on my phone. I had been walking around for a while feeling awful, only thinking about how stupid I was to have gone to Liam’s when I hadn’t fed in so long. I should’ve known being that close to someone who smelled so good would bring out the hunger that was unbearable. The one that was hard to resist.

And the worst part?

I wanted to do it again.

I decided Janet would be mad if I got in too much later, so I started walking home. Eventually I passed by Liam’s house. I watched it as I passed by, imagining Liam sleeping in his room. I smiled and looked away.

The click of an opening door made me jump. I turned to see Liam standing on his front porch and looking at me.

“Babe, what are you doing outside so late?” he asked me, letting the door fall closed and walking over to me. He pulled me into his chest, and I rested my head on his shoulder.

And right there on his neck was the two little wounds of where my teeth had been a few hours ago.

I didn’t think he would wake up before they had gone. Hopefully he didn’t look in a mirror, and hopefully he couldn’t feel them.

“Seriously,” he said, pulling back a bit to look at my face. “Why are you up and walking around?”

“Couldn’t sleep,” I said simply, trying to smile.

“Me either,” Liam told me. “I was sleeping fine until a few hours ago. A few minutes ago I gave up and got out of bed. Imagine my surprise when I look out the window, and there you are walking by.”

I laughed a bit, hoping he didn’t hear the nervousness in it.

“Come on, I think we should both go back to bed,” he said grabbing my hand.

Before I could protest, he had already pulled me inside and was leading me up to his room.

As I sat down next to him on his bed, I thought about what happened last time I was in there.

“Will your parents care if you sleep over?” Liam asked me. I was glad he couldn’t see my smile when he said ‘my parents’ because of the darkness. I never told him that I didn’t actually have any.

“No…but will yours?” I asked. His parents weren’t exactly cool with me. They didn’t know me very well, but they thought I was a tramp.

“They’ll live,” he replied, kissing me cheek.

I laid down next to Liam and rested my head on his chest. He kissed my forehead and then started stroking my hair and gently playing with it as he settled his head down on his pillow.

“Goodnight, Angel,” he whispered.

I smiled. Some angel I was, going around biting people. But I liked the new pet name. It made me feel special.

“Goodnight,” I whispered back quietly.

Breathing in his sweet scent, I was asleep in a matter of seconds.

I woke up to Liam brushing my cheek with his fingertips. I smiled and lifted my hand up to hold his, keeping it against my face.

“So, I gotta go to practice, but I’ll be back in about two hours if you wanna stay and hang out.” He said, a bit of an apologetic smile mixed with a hopeful one.

“Sure,” I said.

Liam gave me an adorable lopsided grin and turned. He picked up his lacrosse bag and headed out the bedroom door.

Not a second later his head poked back around the door into the room.

“Two hours,” he told me.

“Alrighty, I got it. Now go,” I said laughing.

“I love you.”

I was silent for a second as I looked into his eyes. “I love you, too.”

He left smiling. I could have sworn I felt his energy as he walked down the hallway.

I laid in bed for a few more minutes just thinking happy thoughts. Eventually, I got up and took a shower in Liam’s bathroom. I let the hot water soak into my icy cold skin.

When I got out, I grabbed one of Liam’s shirts and put it on. It was way too big and long enough to be a short dress.

No longer having the need to feed on blood, I went to go get some people food from the kitchen. I grabbed the box of cheerios and walked into the living room to watch TV. It took a while to find a show to watch, but eventually I did.

A little bit later I heard keys turning in the front door, then the door opening. I smiled and looked at the clock.

Well, Liam was early.

I turned back to the TV and waited from Liam to come into the room. But when I heard the gasp from the living room doorway, I knew it wasn’t Liam.

I turned around and saw Liam’s mom standing there.

“Hey, Mrs. Benson,” I said with a nice smile.

“Elizabeth,” she said, an unhappy tone in her voice. No matter how polite and nice I was to his parents, they still didn’t like me.

“I’m waiting for Liam to get back,” I explained. “So…you’re home early,” I said trying to change the subject.

“I just come back because I forgot some papers,” she told me. Then I guess she decided work was more important because she went to go get the papers.

A few minutes later she was back.

“When Liam gets home, tell him to call me,” she said, still in an annoyed tone.

“Will do,” I said.

She looked at me angrily again, then left. I called a goodbye as she walked out the door.

A little while later, I was still watching TV and Liam was on the phone with his mom in the kitchen. I could tell she wasn’t happy with him. I’m sure she figured that if I was there that early I probably slept over. Which I did.

I could almost hear Liam’s mom on the other side. She was in the middle of saying something when it just stopped. Liam walked into the living room a second later.

“Did you hang up on her?” I asked surprised, a smile on my face.

He nodded and we both laughed a bit.

“So, do you want to go get lunch?” he asked a second later.

“Yeah, that sounds great!” I said excitedly.

We got in Liam’s car and started driving. We had just decided on Applebee’s when my phone buzzed.

I looked at it and the name on caller ID.

Shit. It was Janet.

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