Elisabeth {Chapter One}

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So, I know I'm working on waaayyyy more than enough books already, but I just couldn't help it. This is an interesting story, and I'm soo excited because I really like it! read and comment and if you like it please vote and fan :D

enjoyy :]

Chapter One 

I should start at the beginning... 

I was born in 1753 to a highly respected and rich family. I had an older brother and two younger sisters. All of them perfect in my parent's (and the town's) eyes. They all studied their lessons, spoke Latin fluently, and did whatever they were told. My brother Jonathan was a little headstrong and always fought for what he believed in. My sisters, Grace and Rachel, were prim and proper, only speaking when spoken to, and very polite. But no one liked me very much...except the defiant, drunk, or naïve young men. I was a little bit of a…well, a slut. And everyone knew it. Though I exceeded my siblings with my stunning good looks, that was pretty much all I beat them at. I knew only the smallest bit of Latin, and I never studied. I also had no clue how to sew, and I was very outspoken.

In March of 1768, my family and I were going to a party for a new man who had moved into town. He was young, only nineteen or twenty, and absolutely gorgeous with his perfect features and blue/grey eyes that made you feel like he was staring into your soul. I was following my own party procedures and flirting with him from across the room. Not to my surprise, he was flirting back. I was always beautiful, but looking extremely stunning in my new green and gold dress with my blond curls pinned up. 

Finally, he came and asked me to dance. He was all very formal and gentlemanly about it, but his eyes told me he had other plans. And there were other plans, just not what I thought. After a bit of dancing, we snuck away from the party. We walked to his house and kissed for a while and it was all very epic. 

Then he bit me. 

And drank my blood. 

Then started kissing me again even though I had gone still against the wall. 

A bit later, he cut his wrist and held it to the wound on my neck. 

That, and being very confused, is all I remember from that night. 

I woke up the next day all alone in a barn somewhere in the middle of nowhere. I knew what I had seen the night before, and I knew what I had become. A vampire. 

At first I was afraid to go in the sun, but it turned out it didn't affect me. I also went looking for Fredrick. Yes, that had been his name. Confused and alone, I wondered why he left me and when he was coming back. It soon became apparent that that he was long gone. As to where he went, I'm not sure. Maybe I'll find out one day. 

I've been fifteen now for over 200 years. A lot has changed though, and fast. 

I've come across a few other vampires since 1768, but none of them knew Fredrick. Except for one. 

Another petite pretty girl like me with blonde hair and big eyes, except hers are green; mine are blue. The same thing happened to her, but she was left on a roadside. We've stuck together ever since, swearing that we will one day get our revenge. 

Janet was seventeen when she was turned, just two years older than me.

Time usually changes people, but sometimes it doesn't. In my case, it didn't. I was still a little bit of a slut. 

Some people just don't learn from their mistakes.


Liam's breath was hot on my face and I could feel his hand playing with my hair. But my thoughts were elsewhere and after a few minutes of trying to get a reaction out of me, he sighed and pulled away a few inches. 

"You okay?" He asked, but I didn't hear him. He sighed again. "Eli," he said a bit louder. 

I jumped a tiny bit, which was hard to do with him on top of me on his living room couch. "Yeah?" 

"You okay? You seem kind of distant today. Is something bothering you?" This was the only problem with Liam, he cared too much. It was really awful when they got attached; thinking I really did love them and wanted to be with them forever. They were just my toys, how I spent my time. I had to admit, I really did like Liam a lot. He was really cute with a great bod, and a nice guy. That's why I kept coming back instead of just finding another guy to play with.

"Eli," he said, startling me one again. Yet another sigh from him, and he was sitting on the other side of the couch. 

"I'm sorry, Liam," I said, flipping around on the couch so I was sitting upright next to him. "I'm just really tired, is all." And sure enough, I yawned. 

Liam readjusted himself so he could put his arms around me and pull me into him. I leaned my head on his chest. He was so warm, and I was so comfy that I was getting even more tired. "Alright, baby, just sleep," he whispered quietly. 

I woke up in the early morning laying on him. I got up quietly and walked into the bathroom. I tugged at my curls, trying to make them a little less of a mess and then gave up. I watched Liam as I passed by the living room on my way to the front door.

I hated doing this to him, or, rather, doing this to myself. Liam wasn't the only one getting attached. I’d probably be back here in a few days because I wouldn’t be able to stay away. Liam trusted me, even though I was always in and out. I'd come for a night, and then stay away for a few days. It was mean, but it was the way it had to be. I'm a vampire, it's all I know. 

I grabbed my cell phone and slipped outside. As soon as I was out in the light drizzle, I pulled my hood up and turned my phone on. It was grey outside, the sun not quite peeking over the horizon yet. 

After it finished turning on, my phone vibrated silently nine times. Four calls, five texts. All from Janet. I groaned and started walking down the street, first checking the voicemails.

"Hey Eli, its Janet. I'm just wondering where you are. Call me back, bye." 

"Hey, Elizabeth, I don't know if you got my call a bit ago, but I was curious as to where you've gone. You usually let me know. Call me back." 

"Okay, Elizabeth, either your phone is off or your ignoring me. CALL ME BACK!" 

"Elizabeth Kathleen Rolan, you better call me in the next hour or you’re going to be in a lot of trouble, missy! Hang on...are you at Liam's again? You better not be at Liam's!" 

I laughed to myself as I listened to them. She's so funny. I read the texts next. 

"Hey where r u?" 

"Did you get my call?" 

"Eli, I've called you twice now. Pick up your phone!!!" 

"I'm not kidding, call me back." 

"U r in biiiiiiiiggg trouble, kid."

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