Elizabeth {Chapter Five}

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sooo i got bored in study hall and decided to work on 'Elizabeth' instead of doing my science homework...lol X)

not the longest chapter, but it's pretty epic.....at least, i think. so pretty pretty please comment and give me some feedback!

so, here is chapter five :)

Chapter Five

I ended up ignoring the call. And turning my phone off because she would probably call again.

Liam and I had a great time. We even went to see a movie. I talked him into seeing a chick flick. At the sad part, I noticed him crying, too, if only just a little. He tried to hide it and I tried my hardest to pretend I hadn’t noticed. But I’m sure he heard me laughing quietly to myself.

Neither of us ready to go home yet, we went for a drive along the coast. A few minutes before sunset, we found a quiet beach with no people. Liam and I sat in the sand, leaning against each other, and watched the sun descend into the water.

I must have fallen asleep at some point as we laid under the stars, because the next thing I knew Liam was gently shaking my shoulder and we were in his car outside my house.

I kissed Liam on the cheek then opened the passenger door. “Thanks,” I said smiling. “Today was great.” I stepped out the car, took two steps then turned around. Liam opened the window and looked up at me. I leaned down closer to the window.

“I love you,” I told him.

“I love you, too,” he replied happily.

I smiled and turned and walked away.

When I got inside I stood ready for Janet to come and yell at me. But she never did. I walked into the kitchen and saw a piece of paper on the counter with my name on it.


With Peter, I’ll be back soon

Did you have a nice time with Liam?

Tell me when I get back



I smiled; she didn’t sound angry with me. Unless I read it wrong. If you say some of it with a different tone, it sounded like I was in big trouble.

Oh well.

I opened one of the drawers and pulled out Janet’s keys. I felt like going for a drive.

I smiled as I let go of my hold around the guy. He slumped down onto the couch, completely unconscious.

That was going to be one nasty headache he would have tomorrow, considering how much blood I took.

I wiped my bit of blood off my bottom lip then licked my fingertip. Couldn’t waste it, now, could we?

Suddenly, I heard a whimper from behind me, and I turned around.

A young woman was standing there, looking at me. She was horrified and scared, it showed plainly on her face.

Shit, shit, shit.

She’d seen it. All of it.

In a moment I was gone; out of the house and far away. I found Janet’s car in a parking lot across town.

I drove as fast as I could home. But when I actually got there, I drove up the driveway and into the garage very slowly.

What had I done?

I had been reckless. And stupid.

And I shouldn’t have run.

That girl saw me.

What did that mean?

I had to tell Janet.

But I couldn’t.

We would have to leave.

And I couldn’t.

I couldn’t leave Liam.

But I had to tell her, she’d find out anyways when the crazy hysteria started up.

And it would.

I took the keys out of the ignition, but didn’t get out of the car.

I turned my phone on and looked at my missed calls. Four from Janet from random times throughout the day.  And one from Liam. I looked to see what texts I missed, but there was only one unread one. From Liam.

I love you.

That’s all it said.

I smiled and a felt a tear slide down my cheek.

When I finally got inside, Janet was standing in the kitchen.

“Heyyy,” she said happily. “How was your day with Liam?”

I looked up at her and I’m sure she saw my pained expression. Her face instantly went from happy to confused.

“Someone,” I gulped. “Someone saw me.”

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