Elizabeth {Chapter Two}

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Okay! Here's chapter two of my book "Elizabeth" read and comment, and if you like it please vote and fan :D

enjoyy :]

Chapter Two 

When I got home, I tried to sneak in the front door and head up to my room. Janet's wrath really wasn't that bad, but my head hurt a little bit. I had no such luck, what with Janet being a vampire and all. As soon as I turned around from quietly clicking the door shut Janet was in my face, literally. Like, inches away. 

"A little room please? My head hurts," I stated holding my head and trying to walk around her to the stairs just a few feet away. She side-stepped, blocking my path. 

"Where were you, Elizabeth?" She was obviously trying to keep her cool, but I really wasn't all that concerned about it. I just wanted to sleep. I tried stepping around her other side, but again had no luck. "Answer me, Eli!" She screeched at the top of her lungs. It was loud and it made my head hurt some more, but other than that, her attempt to be terrifying-or even have any effect at all-wasn't working on me. 

"Were you at Liam's?" She asked in a snotty, bratty tone. She crossed her arms. She didn't like me seeing Liam. She didn't like me interacting with mortals too much in general, but she really didn't like me seeing Liam. She said it was wrong, but I knew she wouldn't actually care as much if I didn’t care about him. But I obviously liked him just as any fifteen year old girl would like a boy. 

"Maybe I was," I said to her and she glared. "Can I go to bed now?" I asked, grumpy, head pounding. My headache was just getting worse and worse. 

"No!" She screamed. "And I've told you before, Elizabeth, it's wrong to play with them and toy with their emotions. You stay too long and they get attached. You know that." 

"Yes, I do. Now, I'm going to go sleep." This time she let me pass her, and I headed up to my room. 

 I laid on the plush pillows of my bed and looked at my room. Dark rose-petal pink walls, with pretty white bead stuff, and all white furniture; white desk, white chair, white bean bag on the floor, white bookcase. And a black wrought iron head & footboard to my bed. It was clean because I'd always been a neat-freak. 

I eventually fell asleep while thinking about how Janet was too mother-like, and I wished she was more of a sister. Which, she kind of was, except when it came to certain things. 


I was in the marketplace in my small town, and looking in the windows of a dress shop at a beautiful green dress with gold thread and ribbons and pretty emerald-colored silk fabric. I saw someone in the reflection of the glass; a man. I turned around and watched him walking down the street. He looked rich, and, in a town as small as this, most of the rich people knew each other. But I didn't know him. 

I walked quickly over to my mother who was pretending she didn't know me - which was pointless, considering everyone knew our family. I tapped her on the shoulder and motioned to the man walking on the other side of the road. "Who is that?" I asked curiously. 

"Fredrick, he just moved into town." Ah, so that's why I didn't know him. "The town is having a party to welcome him here in a few nights." The town being the rich people, because they all ignored the common people when they could. "I saw you looking at that dress over there." She said, pointing. 

"Beautiful, isn't it?" I said, smiling. 

"Would you like it for the party?" She asked me. 

"Oh, yes please, Mother dearest," I said, a bit of sarcasm dripping into my words, but she pretended not to notice. I'd never really cared for speaking all formally and with manners to people but my mother always made us. 

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