Elizabeth {Chapter Three}

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okay, so this chapter is a little short but it's my second fave so far, with chapter two being my all-time fave. hope you likee itt!!! :D 

read and comment plz. and if you like it please vote and fan!

enjoyy :]

Chapter Three 

I rolled my eyes at Janet and walked past her into the kitchen. I picked up what must've been her glass of donated blood and drank a bit. I made a face and set it on the counter. 

"I like it a little fresher," I told Janet and then it was her turn to roll her eyes. 

"So, what did you and Liam do?" She asked me. 

"Oh, you suddenly deciding to be a friend instead of a mom? And how do you know I was with Liam?" 

"Oh, I just assumed it was him when I heard your happy little sighs as you leaned dramatically against the door like some love-sick damsel," she said, leaning back and pulling the back of her hand to her forehead. 

"Ouch," I replied. "So now I'm a love-sick damsel?" I took another sip from the glass and made the same grossed-out face again. 

"If you don't like it, stop drinking it," Janet said, taking the glass from my hands and finishing it off. 

"Ehh, it's just fun to drink it and see why you don't just bite people." I said over my shoulder as I walked out of the kitchen. 

I sat in the living room for a bit watching television. Nothing very good was on, though, so I was just flipping channels every minute or so. Then I heard someone walking up the path to our front door and I recognized those light footsteps and the lack of heartbeat and blood pumping. Peter. 

Janet noticed too and was walking out of the kitchen to get the door. 

"Ew. I smell a rat," I said as she walked past. She glared at me and I giggled. 

I heard the door open and Peter say hello to Janet. I got up. I was walking by the door on my way to the stairs when they were just about to kiss. I made gagging noises all the way up the stairs and heard Peter sigh. 

I actually didn’t mind Peter all that much. It was just that vampire guys were so much less fun because you can’t bite them. Well, you could, but…let’s just say it’s less tasty. And they’d probably get really pissed. I prefer my human boys.

Thinking of Liam and blood at the same time made me think of the fact that I'd never actually bitten Liam. If I did, he would know I'm a vampire. And then he might leave me, and I couldn't have that. I liked him too much. I guess sometimes I missed how it used to be before I met Liam, a different guy each time, usually drunk so he wouldn't remember being bitten by the time he woke up in the morning. The reason I kept getting headaches and getting so tired lately was because I wasn't feeding very often. I would just sip some of Janet's gross stuff and then forget to feed later because I was either with Liam or sleeping.


A few hours later, Janet came to wake me up. I had been sleeping for a while. 

"Elizabeth," she said shaking me. 

"Yeah?" I asked sleepily sitting up. 

"As much as I hate to say it, you need to go feed. On a human. I hate seeing you like this; you've completely messed up your system by not feeding." 

"I know," I said, looking away a little ashamed. This was the other reason she didn't like Liam then, because I forgot to feed. "Wake me up around 12," I told her, curling back up on my side under my blankets.


Janet woke me up at midnight and I put on some black jeggings, black converse, a dark pink tank top, and my black leather jacket. I left the house still rubbing my eyes, my brain a bit foggy. 

I realized just how foggy my brain was when I looked up from the ground and found myself at Liam's house. I know I needed to feed, but... I just wanted to see him; he didn't have to know I was there. 

I found his window and jumped up to the ledge silently. Liam was lying on his bed asleep, all the lights out. Without thinking, I opened the window and stepped into his room. 

Guess what happened next? The hunger finally hit. Yeah, just at that moment. It hadn't bothered me for a while but just then, just as I was near a human I so, so, so didn't want to bite, it hit me. My body instinctively took a silent step toward Liam's sleeping form. My eyes weren't great in the dark from lack of proper nutrition, but I could see well enough. 

I tried to not take another step, but I did, all of my vampire instincts I tried to hide from Liam coming out right now. Well, he was asleep. What if I... No, I told myself, but I just couldn't help thinking it. What if I bit him gently, I definitely knew how to. He was a kind of hard sleeper, he might just sleep through it. 

I took another step, wondering how he tasted. 

The closer I got the more my throat and stomach burned. I took another step and I was standing beside his bed, the sweet smell of Liam I knew so well hitting my nose. I breathed it in, and couldn't help myself. I pushed his head gently to the side and leaned down slowly, opening my mouth. I sank my fangs in as softly as I could, and Liam stirred a little but I hardly noticed, I was too busy drinking the sweet, sweet blood from his neck. 

I stopped after a bit, knowing I couldn't take much more. He'd wake up in the morning with a slight headache but, since he hadn't woken up, no recollection of being bit. His neck would heal fast, almost gone before morning. 

I left in a hurry, closing his window quietly behind me. I got home feeling very refreshed, but, for the first time in my life, guilty for biting someone.

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