Elizabeth {Chapter Nine}

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Not a very eventful chapter, but it's alright. The reason I don't mind is because I have a plan for the next chapter that is soo epicly amazing it will BLOW YOUR MIND. Probably not, but still..lol :)

so here's chapter nine:

When I woke up, I looked over at Liam. He was breathing softly, his eyes still closed. I watched him for a bit, fascinated by how peaceful he looked despite the last few days.

The tingling in my throat reminded me that neither one of us had eaten in a while. My hunger not being too bad yet, I decided to take care of Liam first. I quietly and slowly got out of bed, trying not to wake Liam up. I tip-toed over to our bags and zipped mine open bit-by-bit, with my eyes tightly closed afraid it would be loud. Keeping an eye on Liam, I pulled out my black jeggings, a white cami, and a soft pink sweater. I changed fast and slipped silently out of the room.

There was a bunch of people in the breakfast area and it would have made my hunger worse had the smell of so much food not been making me gag. I walked uncomfortably over to the food and tried to act normal. The smell of food didn't usually bother me much, but it did today.

I grabbed a Styrofoam plate which I piled with waffles and then I searched through a basket for a packet of syrup. After I found a few, I poured some milk into a little plastic cup and walked out of the breakfast area.

I took in a deep breath on my way out, grateful for fresher air, and then stepped onto the elevator.

Liam was still asleep when I got back to the room. I wanted to let him sleep but his food would get cold if I let it sit too long. I set the plate and cup of juice on the end table beside Liam. I leaned down and kissed him softly on the cheek. His eyelids fluttered a bit and then he opened his eyes. I smiled at him.

“Good morning, sleepy-head,” I whispered.

He smiled back at me, and then his face changed when he smelled the waffles. His smile got bigger as he turned his head to see the breakfast beside him

Turning back to me, he said, “Thanks, Eli.”

“You’re welcome. I figured you’d be hungry,” I said laughing, sitting on the end of the bed.

“I am,” He replied, sitting up and then setting the plate on his lap. Then he looked at me curiously. “Are you?” He asked slowly.

“A little,” I said, looking away. “But I’ll be alright,” I told him reassuringly, facing him again with a small smile. He was wondering if I would get hungry enough to lose control again, I could tell by his expression and the little bit of fear in his eyes.

He didn’t look completely convinced, but I really didn’t want to talk about it right then.

I patiently waited for Liam to finish eating before I started talking again.

“So, when will you be ready to get back on the road again?” I asked him as he got out of bed.

“Dunno,” he said. “I need a shower first.” He said with a slight laugh as he ran his fingers through his hair.

Liam walked into the bathroom and looked in the mirror. I saw him look at his neck and sigh before he turned to close the bathroom door. The marks wouldn’t be completely gone yet, judging by how hard I fed. But you’d have to be looking for them to notice.

My phone began to ring and I walked over to my bag and got it out of the outside pocket. Looking at the caller ID, I saw it was Janet.

I pressed ‘answer’ and held it up to my ear. “Hey,” I said.

“How is he?” she asked.

“Alright, but I can tell he’s trying his hardest not to freak out.” I reported.

“So coming home would be a bad idea?” she asked.

“Yeah, probably…So we’re leaving in a bit, we should be there by…” I stopped for a second to do the math. “We should be there around 7 or 8.”

“Okay,” Janet said. “Call me when you get there.”

“Will do,” I said before hanging up. A few minutes later I heard the water from the shower turn off. A few seconds later Liam called for me. I went an stood next to the door.

“Yeah?” I called back.

“Would you mind grabbing my bag for me?” he asked.

“No prob.” I picked up his bag and then opened the bathroom door just enough to fit the bag through. He took it and said thanks.

I went back over to the bed to sit for a bit. I opened my phone and started looking at my pictures. Most of them were of me and Liam and they made me smile and think of how things were before he knew. It seemed like so long ago, though it was really only a few days.

I was so absorbed in looking at the pictures that I hadn’t noticed Liam come up beside me.

“I like that one,” he said just before I flipped to the next one. I jumped, startled, then changed it back to look at it again. It was from our zoo trip the month before. I was taking a picture of myself in front of the giraffes and Liam had jumped in the picture and made a goofy face.

I laughed. “I like it, too.” I said. Then I closed my phone and looked up at Liam. “Ready to go?” I asked.

“Sure,” he replied. He walked over to our bags and picked them up. “Let’s go.”

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