Chapter 6: Date Night Encounters

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Chloe's P.O.V.

"Where are your dresses!" Charlotte yelled. Right now Charlotte was helping me get ready for my date tonight with Niall and I had roughly 1 hour before we were going to leave. It seems as if in less then a day every one knew that we were going out tonight and I figured that Louis or Charlotte told everyone. She was searching through the small dresser of clothes that I had brought over tossing clothes everywhere. I sighed walking over to a drawer that she hasn't gone through yet. It took me a minute before I pulled out 3 dresses that I brought with me. I didn't even get a second glance at them before Charlotte picked the dress I was going to be wearing tonight. She held up a sky blue dress that came up a little above the knee on me and had small white flowers all over it. She pushed me into the bathroom with the dress, I had already taken a shower and currently had my hair up in a messy bun, I could hear Charlotte talking to herself. I think she was more nervous for my date then I actually was.

Coming out of the bathroom I saw Charlotte smiling wide at me. "Let me do your make up" she insisted and I sat down allowing her full control. I waited patiently not wanting to rush her since she might mess up and have to start all over again. "Now your hair" she made sure I didn't have a mirror close by. She said that she wanted me to be surprised on how lovely I will look after she is finished with me. She took out a curling iron that she must have brought with her since I know for sure I never brought one. She must bring her whole house with her!

Eventually she unplugged the curling iron from the wall placing it to the side. "Okay now look!" she said turning me around to face the mirror that was hanging on the wall. A gasp escaped my mouth, my makeup was done beautifully and so was my hair. "Thank you so much" I gave her a hug. "No problem" she winked back. I took a quick glance at the clock realizing that my preparation took longer than expected. "Niall's waiting for me" I said rushing out of the room.  I took a deep breath and walked down stairs to see Niall waiting for me by the front door. He looked amazing in black jeans and a nice sweater looking shirt, I was speechless.

Niall's P.O.V.

I stood waiting by the door, getting playful looks from the boys especially Zayn and Louis. I rolled my eyes at them and looked to see Chloe standing before me looking stunning. "You look extremely gorgeous" I said smiling at her taking her hand. "Thanks and you look extremely handsome" she said using my words. We headed out the front door, since the situation we are involved in involving The Council I had the boys help me set up a dinner in a small area by a dock that no one really knows about. It was far from the house just incase someone spotted us.  I lead her to the table which was lit up with candles on it, there were lanterns around us so I we could see each other as it began to get darker.

"So I guess we should get to know each other a little more" I said smiling at her

She laughed. "What's so funny" I asked

"Well didn't my parents tell you everything about me?" I shook my head.

"Just basic information like your name, birthday, age, and your personality"

"I see... So what do you want to know?"

"Anything your willing to tell me" I said seeing her blush

We spent an hour eating the food that was at the table and she told me anything I asked about her.

Suddenly I heard footsteps coming from my left and so did Chloe. Seconds passed and soon enough I saw Jarrod walk closer with a smirk plastered on his face.

"Aw. Look at you two having a nice romantic date."

"What do you want Jarrod" I said through clenched teeth.

"I just wanted to see how my little beauty is holding up until her birthday. And I must say..." He looked at Chloe licking his smirking lips "you look as fit as ever babe"  I gently pushed Chloe behind me.

"Get out of here" I said again

"Don't rush me." he bit back "I'm going to have so much fun with you babe before we drain your powers and Ill make sure to kill her slowly and painfully" he spit.

"That's never going to happen"

"In time it will" he laughed before leaving.

I turned around to see Chloe frozen.

" I wont let him hurt you Chloe, you mean too much to me" I said caressing her cheek feeling tears silently run down them.

"You promise?" she asked looking into my eyes.

"I swear on my life" I whispered as our faces got closer. "I swear"


A/N: How was this chapter?? More intense events are being thrown into the mix. Remember to Comment, Vote, and Message me!! :) Byyyeeeee Good Night

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