Chapter 17: Escaping

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Zayn's P.O.V.

We had woken up thanks to Charlotte. She ordered us all down stairs with a worried look on her face. I was still tired and she did this on a few occasions before. One time she freaked out when we were younger because she was throwing a surprise party and she called everyone over at 1 in the morning, so this probably isn't much different.

"Why did you wake us up" Harry groaned. We were all still half asleep.

"Chloe's gone" she screamed.

"Again?" Louis groaned and Liam and I slapped him on the arm.

"Yes! She left  note saying that she is going to get Niall back from Jarrod" she began to pace the floor.

Suddenly I heard Niall's voice in my head.

"Come to the woods were Chloe and I had our first date. Jarrod is holding us captive and is going to kill us. Help"

"Niall and Chloe are in trouble!" Liam said suddenly.

"Did you hear Niall's voice in your head?" I asked and the rest of the boys nodded.

All of the girls looked confused.

"What are you talking about?" Reagan asked looking at us.

"We heard Niall's voice in our heads telling us that he's in trouble. We need to go where they had their first date by the woods and lake. Hurry" Louis shouted.

We all ran to 2 separate cars and split up like we did when we went to search for Chloe the first time.

It took us awhile to get there, we parked quite a ways from the location so they couldn't hear our cars. We all quietly snuck up to a large line of bushes so we could see where they are. We saw Niall being pushed into room and Chloe scream his name. At least we know that they both are still alive.


20 minutes later we saw Jarrod and a large man leave where they were. All we had to do was find the key and we could easily rescue Niall and Chloe. I looked around trying to see who might have the key. The only person I can think of is Jarrod.

There weren't many people here but considering The Council had very powerful abilities they didn't need a lot of people to help keep them safe. There are 9 of us while there are 4 members of The Council, 3 body guards and 2 women which seem to be slaves. Well that evens us out. The 2 slaves wont do anything since they are there to serve the council. Suddenly 2 of the body guards walked closer to us. We all nodded and attacked them using our abilities to kill them quick. We made sure to pull their bodies into the bushes so it wouldn't be too obvious that we killed them.

2 down 5 to go. We saw the youngest member of the council, who was 20 and the newest addition, walk into the woods talking to himself. . Louis and Harry told us that they will take care of him. They killed him quick searching his body for the keys but there was no luck.

Suddenly  we heard a scream, Jessica's. We all ran back to see her laying on the ground. One by one each one of us screamed and fell to the ground.


When we all woke up we were in a small room. Looking over we saw Niall and Chloe passed out and separated by bars from us.

We were so close on saving them and now they had us captured.

Once the girls woke up they called out their names trying to help them wake up. Niall lifted his head up and his eyes grew wide when he saw us. Soon after Chloe woke up as well.

"Thank god you guys are okay" Zoe exclaimed running over to the bars with everyone else. Niall and Chloe went up to the bars as well trying to help us figure out a way out of here.

"I have an idea" I said and everyone quieted down waiting for me to share.

"What do you guys have in your pockets?" I asked and they all thought I must have been joking.

"Just empty out your pockets" I told them and they finally agreed.

There were a few pieces of gum, spare change, lip glosses and one pen.

"Alright the next time someone comes in and opens the door, who ever is closest when they come in will stick the pen in the crack of the door once they leave. So that way we can open the door ourselves and leave."

"That's a great idea mate" Harry said patting me on the back. 

Suddenly the door flew open and I tossed the pen at Liam who was the closest at the moment. Luckily the large man that walked in here didn't realize. He must be the last body guard, we could easily take him out. He went straight for Chloe picking her up as she screamed banging her hands on his back to let her go. Niall screamed too and tried to bring her back but was just pushed to the ground.

Right as the door was about to close Liam slipped the pen in the door and gave us a thumbs up. All we have to do is wait for the right time to go and we can save Chloe and get us out of here.


Liam peeked out the door and told us now was our chance. We all quickly sneaked out and behind the cabin. We were close to another cabin, which is where we thought they were keeping Chloe. On the way here we took out another member of The Council and the last guard. The only two left to face were Jarrod and Mary the two most powerful enchanters.

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