Chapter 21: Interrupted

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"We've been walking forever" I whined as I followed Niall up the large hill we were currently going up.

"Chlo we have barely walked a mile" he laughed.

"Well Ive had enough walking for the day" I said turning on my heel walking down the way we came.

It didn't help that we each had a backpack full of whatever Niall decided to shove in them.

"We will be there in 5 minutes c'mon Chlo" I sighed and walked over to his side.

"Thats my girl" he smiled kissing my cheek. I rolled my eyes and followed closely behind him.

Niall was right, 5 minutes later we arrived in front of a small brown cabin. Various kinds of trees lined the sides of it making it disappear in the woods if you were looking at it from a farther distance.

"So we aren't staying at the hotel anymore?" I asked. It wouldn't make any sense if he was paying for a hotel room that we weren't even going to be staying in.

"Well I talked to the hotel and worked out something. All of our luggage and car will be here later today"

I walked over giving Niall a hug, he always made the sweetest gestures.

Walking into the cabin I saw a kitchen, living room and dining room all combined together which actually worked.

I walked down a rather short hallway to a very large and modern bedroom considering what cabins usually look like. I smiled and walked to the other side of the room to see a balcony, how much cooler can this cabin get? I gasped at the gorgeous view in front of me, mountains, trees and flowers were everywhere.

"Soooo?" Niall asked as he slipped his hands around my waist resting his head on my shoulder.

"Its beautiful"

"Just like you"

"Your so cheeky" I said as I kissed his cheek. (Lol cheeky then cheek sorry)


We have been staying in the cabin for about a week and Niall and I have been so busy with going on hikes, visiting the town here, and just having fun.

"Look at this" Niall called from around the corner of the deck.

"A hot tub!" I ran over to the side of it. Its hard to believe but I have never been in a hut tub.

"You know aren't supposed to get in fully clothed" he laughed. He then pulled me back into the cabin and pulled out our swim suits.

Excitement took over me as I quickly ran into the bathroom, slipped off my clothing and put on my swim suit. I stepped back out on the deck to see Niall already in the hot tub.

Niall's P.O.V

Chloe and I sat in each others arms admiring the view from the cabin. We had just got out of the hot tub and were trying to dry off. I looked over at her and a smile formed on my face. Im lucky to have her, that we both made it out alive after everything Jarrod did to us.

"I love you" I said kissing the top of her head.

"I love you too"

"Im so lucky to have you" I whispered before kissing her again.

She turned towards me "I think were both lucky"

I pulled her close and kissed her softly. She was about to pull away when I deepened the kiss and she did the same. I pulled away and gently kissed her neck and nibbling at the skin, leaving a large mark. I heard a moan escape her mouth causing me to smile.

I picked her up from her current spot. We were still a little wet from the hot tub as I carried her into the large bedroom.

"Niall we are dripping wet" she laughed

"Don't worry everything will dry" I said placing her on the bed, kissing her. I hovered over her peppering her neck with kisses.

I pulled her so she was straddling my waist. This time she was the one to kiss my neck. I gripped her waist tightly as her hands traveled up my chest and around my neck playing with my hair. I then flipped us over so I was hovering over her once again. I kissed her roughly and swiped my tongue along her bottom lip, which she kept closed. I gently squeezed her bum causing a gasp escape her mouth with that I allowed my tongue between her lips. I pulled her even closer as my hands found slowly ran up her back finding the tie of her bikini.

I was about to untie the string when I heard 2 familiar voices.

"Niall!" Harrys voice beamed.

"Chloe!!" Louis yelled, I could hear them begin to bang on the door.

I sighed heavily before pulling myself off of Chloe.

"Ill go talk to Louis and Harry" I said.

"Ill go get dressed" she lifted her self up off the mattress going into the bathroom.

I threw on some clean clothes before heading over to the door.

"Niall!" They yelled once I opened the door and hugged me.

"What?" I asked trying not to sound annoyed.

"We just came by to...wait did we interrupt something?" Harry asked smiling at the last part of his sentence. They examined the room looking for any signs that Chloe and I were doing 'something'.

"Harry I think we did see look" Louis pointed to my hair and they both grinned.

Chloe walked out and came right over to my side.

"Hey Louis, Harry"

"Hi Chloe. So tell us does Niall hit hard?" Louis winked at her making her gasp and face turn bright red as she looked down.

I sent him a death glare, but all he did was laugh.

"Ill take that as a yes." Harry laughed again.

"We didn't even do anything" I told them.

"Well you wont be able to any ways." He said again

"Why not?" I asked cooly not wanting them to know that I craved Chloe's touch.

"Her parents want to see her."

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