Chaper 23: Oppertunity

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Niall's P.O.V.

I woke up with my right arm draped over Chloe's waist. She was turned towards me curled up almost into a ball. I saw her shiver and quickly pulled the duvet covering her waist up higher to keep her warm. I let my hand gently caress her cheek as I examined her delicate features. Smiling I slowly rose up out of bed, making sure not to wake Chloe then pulling on the shirt I took off last night before going to bed. I glanced one more time over my shoulder before exiting her room.

I would have stayed in bed with her all day if I could but I really need to talk with Chloe's father about something I have been dying to ask him since we got here.

Would he let me marry his daughter.

I peered around the corner of the kitchen seeing Mr. Chambers sitting on one of the stools at the  granite counter top on his computer navigating the internet. I cleared my throat as I walked up, his head snapping up from its previous position.

"Morning Niall" he smiled. I could tell he was still focused on what he was working on his laptop.

I laughed and sat down in front of him. "Morning Mr. Chambers. I was just wondering..." I started but Mrs. Chambers cut me off by barging into the kitchen.

We both looked in her direction, shock and worry clearly shown on her face.

"Remember how we thought Nathan and the others disappeared. Well they have just sent us a letter about Chloe, they want her to join them." She said all in one breath.

This was exciting, no one was ever offered a position with Nathan since they were so powerful. But then it hit me, if she does choose to join, I wont see her as often. She will have duties to take care of and places to attend to.

Nathan and the others left everything they loved back in their home towns. If your wondering if they all had a group name, they didn't. It was just something that they didn't want Anyways, they haven't spoken or seen them in years for safety precautions. They knew that they were more powerful than The Council, but they didn't like being given a name.

Then it hit me, we wouldn't see each other on a regular basis. Even if we wanted to get married, I wouldn't see her. She would be busy with duties she would need to fulfill as being apart of that group. I cant get in the way of her choices, this was a once in a lifetime opportunity.

When I heard several footsteps come down the stairs I turned to face the entrance of the kitchen as well as Chloe's parents. I smiled when Chloe walked in rubbing her eyes followed by the rest of the boys.

"Chloe, honey your mother and I want you to read this" Mr. Chambers said handing Chloe the letter.

She yawned once before focusing on the letter. We all watched in anticipation as her bright blue eyes scanned the letter.

"No way!" she squealed out of excitement.

"What!" the boys echoed from behind her.

"Nathan wants me to join him and the others! They think I would be perfect!" We all cheered and went in for a group hug.

Chloe's P.O.V.

Knowing that Nathan wants me to join the group, was something I have always dreamed of. Well every enchanter dreams of it, we all know about them but never really heard from them. Nathan was the one that basically everyone know about but there were others as well. Genevieve, Josie, Maxwell, and Lucas were, as everyone calls them, 'the others' since not many enchanters knew enough about them. They all possessed several powers just like I do, and use them to help people whether they were an enchanter or not.

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